Hyena v7.7 available

Using the built-in Windows administration tools to manage a medium to large Windows NT or Windows 2000/2003 network can be a challenge

Hyena uses an Explorer-style interface for all operations, including right mouse click pop-up context menus for all objects. Management of users, groups (both local and global), shares, domains, computers, services, devices, events, files, printers and print jobs, sessions, open files, disk space, user rights, messaging, exporting, job scheduling, processes, and printing are all supported. For an example of a typical enterprise-wide view in Hyen

New features for this release

  • Terminal Server Session Management
  • Extensive Logging Capabilities
  • More User Active Directory Attributes
  • Excel Exporting :Easier Microsoft Excel Exporting

Other Changes

  • Additional information has been added to the Computer Properties->General dialog, showing the operating system, architecture, and features (Enterprise, Terminal Server, etc.)
  • A default sort option has been added to the Active Directory Query properties (File->Manage Object View->AD Queries). Setting a default sort does NOT sort the data at the server during execution of the query (AD does not support server-side sorting). Instead, Hyena will perform the sort after the data is retrieved, saving you the step of having to click on the column in the right results window.
  • The ’Add to Group’ option on the More Functions menu for user objects has been changed to ’Add / Remove From Group’. A dialog is now displayed allowing selection of whether to add or remove the selected user(s) from the targeted group.
  • Some attributes in Active Directory allow the inclusion of carriage returns and/or line feed characters (CR/LF). Windows will usually represent CR/LF characters as a square box visually on the screen, but when the data is sent to the clipboard or output file, it can cause problems with other applications, such as Microsoft Excel. A new advanced settings (Tools->Settings->Advanced) has been added - AdCrLfReplacementString. This new value can be set to one or more characters which will replace any CR/LF combinations found in AD data.
  • When using Edit->Copy to export Active Directory data from Hyena’s right window, the entire contents of columns with large amounts of data will be copied in full, instead of truncated with ...! Windows limits the amount of information that can be presented visually, but Hyena will now internally keep the entire full-length string, allowing the entire string to be copied to the clipboard or data file. This change will be primarily useful for exporting group and user membership fields.