Daily Stats : 27 July 2024

Last 5 CVE Alerts

Date Alert
7.2 2024-07-26 CVE-2024-38509
7.2 2024-07-26 CVE-2024-38510
7.2 2024-07-26 CVE-2024-38511
7.2 2024-07-26 CVE-2024-38512
2.8 2024-07-26 CVE-2024-4786
More Alerts

Last 5 Vendors Alerts

Date Alert
0 2024-07-09 VU#456537
0 2024-07-09 VU#312260
9.1 2024-04-30 VU#163057
0 2024-04-29 VU#238194
0 2024-04-16 VU#253266
More Alerts

Overall Stats

Yearly Stats From 2023-07 to 2024-07

Last 15 most vulnerable applications

Most vulnerable = CVSS ((Base score) AND (Impact score) AND (Exploit score)) = 10

CVE-2024-2973 2024-06-27 -- -- --
CVE-2024-6297 2024-06-25 -- -- --
CVE-2024-6240 2024-06-21 Parallels Parallels De... 17.1.1 ...
CVE-2024-3820 2024-06-01 -- -- --
CVE-2024-4040 2024-04-22 Crushftp Crushftp 8.1.0
CVE-2024-3400 2024-04-12 Paloaltonetw... Pan-Os 11.1.2
CVE-2024-3094 2024-03-29 Tukaani Xz 5.6.1