Category Defense

iScanner v0.5 released - Malicious codes scanner

iScanner is free open source tool lets you detect and remove malicious codes and web pages viruses from your Linux/Unix server easily and automatically.

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Malware Check Tool v1.0 released

This program intends to detect a malicious file in two ways; online and offline. It calculates the md5 hash of a specified file and searches it in its current hash set (offline) or on virustotal site (online) and show the result.

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Focus on Zero Wine Tryouts Malware Analyzer Alpha 2 release

Zero Wine Tryouts is an open source malware analysis tool. Just upload your suspicious file (e.g. Windows executable file, PDF file) through the web interface and let it analyze.

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iScanner v0.4 released - Malicious codes scanner

iScanner is free open source tool lets you detect and remove malicious codes and web pages viruses from your Linux/Unix server easily and automatically.

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iScanner v0.3 - detect and remove malicious codes

iScanner is free open source tool lets you detect and remove malicious codes and web pages viruses from your Linux/Unix server easily and automatically.

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Harden SSL/TLS vBeta

Harden SSL/TLS allows hardening the SSL/TLS settings of Windows 2000, 2003, 2008, 2008R2, XP, Vista, 7. It allows locally and remotely set SSL policies allowing or denying certain ciphers/hashes or complete ciphersuites.

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Ninja v0.1.3 - privilege escalation detection and prevention

Ninja is a privilege escalation detection and prevention system for GNU/Linux hosts. While running, it will monitor process activity on the local host, and keep track of all processes running as root. If a process is spawned with UID or GID zero (root), ninja will log necessary information about this process, and optionally kill the process if it was spawned by an unauthorized user.

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GreenSQL-FW v1.2.0 released

GreenSQL is an Open Source database firewall used to protect databases from SQL injection attacks. GreenSQL works as a proxy for SQL commands and has built in support for MySQL.

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GreenSQL-FW v1.1.0 - released

GreenSQL is an Open Source database firewall used to protect databases from SQL injection attacks. GreenSQL works as a proxy for SQL commands and has built in support for MySQL.

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MAPDAV v1.0p5 - proving passwords combinations

MAPDAV (More Accurate Password Dictionary Attack Vector) is designed to use what is known about a user or users (ex, username, first name, middle name, last name, etc) on a unix/linux system from a /etc/passwd file and tries to come up with probable combinations that could be the user’s password.

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Trafscrambler anti-sniffer v0.2 on the wild

Trafscrambler is an anti-sniffer/IDS LKM(Network Kernel Extension) for OSX, licensed under BSD.

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WikiScanner 2.0, an incredible project to keep an eye on

WikiScanner (also known as Wikipedia Scanner) is a tool created by Virgil Griffith which consists of a publicly searchable database that links millions of anonymous Wikipedia edits to the organizations where those edits apparently originated, by cross-referencing the edits with data on the owners of the associated block of IP addresses. WikiScanner does not work on edits made under a username.

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HoneyPoint Personal Edition 2.00 released

HPPE intercepts attacker activity in the targeting stage and gives Admins the capability to quickly shut them down before they can do serious damage. HPPE simply turns attacker targets into security sensors!

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