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Aircrack-ng v1.1 released
Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.
Keykeriki release v2 in the wild : exploiting the wireless devices
Remote-Exploit is proud to present the universal wireless keyboard sniffer: Keykeriki. This opensource hardware and software project enables every person to verify the security level of their own keyboard transmissions, and/or demonstrate the sniffing attacks (for educational purpose only). The hardware itself is designed to be small and versatile, it can be extended to currently undetected/unknown keyboard traffic, and/or hardware extensions, for example, a repeating module or amplifier
iWep Pro Auditor wifi security v1.1.3 on the wild
iWep PRO is an application for the iPhone and iPod touch that allow users check if their routers are exposed to some vulnerabilities.
Main vulnerability is WEP/WPA key calculation. There are some routers that can be easily hacked just in few minutes. This happens ONLY when router´s factoy settings were not changed. If factory settings were changed, iWep PRO is useless with your router.
Airtun-ng available with AirCrack-ng package
Airtun-ng is a virtual tunnel interface creator. There are two basic functions:
- Allow all encrypted traffic to be monitored for wireless Intrusion Detection System (wIDS) purposes.
- Inject arbitrary traffic into a network.
WPA Rainbow Tables (Offensive Security)
Full list of torrents with WPA Rainbow Tables, from Offensive Security.
Kismet-2010-01-R1 available
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.
Kismac v0.3 released : The OSX Wireless Sniffer
KisMAC is an open-source and free sniffer/scanner application for Mac OS X. It has an advantage over MacStumbler / iStumbler / NetStumbler in that it uses monitor mode and passive scanning.
Focus on Airoscript NG version 1.0
Airoscript is a text-user-interface (TUI) for aircrack-ng. A great companion to make your life easier on wifi pentesting. Various attacks are available, such as chopchop, fragmentation attack, fakeauth, deauth, dictionary attacks and WPA cracking.
OSWA-Assistant v0.9.0.6h released
The OSWA™-Assistant is a no-Operating-System-required standalone toolkit which is solely focused on wireless auditing. As a result, in addition to the usual WiFi (802.11) auditing tools, it also covers Bluetooth and RFID auditing. Using the toolkit is as easy as popping it into your computer’s CDROM and making your computer boot from it!
WPA Cracker Service - cloud cracking service
WPA Cracker is a cloud cracking service for penetration testers and network auditors who need to check the security of WPA-PSK protected wireless networks.
Kismet v2009-11-R1 released
Kismet is an 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and intrusion detection system. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring (rfmon) mode, and can sniff 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g traffic.
Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution v20091124 released
The “Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution†is the base Slitaz cooking version plus the latest Aircrack-ng SVN version, wireless drivers patched for injection and other related tools. The custom distribution is especially tuned for the Acer Aspire One netbooks but will work well on virtually all desktops, notebooks and netbooks.
Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution v20091117 released
The “Slitaz Aircrack-ng Distribution†is the base Slitaz cooking version plus the latest Aircrack-ng SVN version, wireless drivers patched for injection and other related tools. The custom distribution is especially tuned for the Acer Aspire One netbooks but will work well on virtually all desktops, notebooks and netbooks.
inSSIDer v1.2.3.1014 - Wi-Fi network scanner
inSSIDer is an award-winning free Wi-Fi network scanner for Windows Vista and Windows XP. Because NetStumbler doesn’t work well with Vista and 64-bit XP, exits an open-source Wi-Fi network scanner designed for the current generation of Windows operating systems.
WepBuster v1.0 beta0.7 released
This small utility was written for Information Security Professionals to aid in conducting Wireless Security Assessment. The program executes various utilities included in the aircrack-ng suite, a set of tools for auditing wireless networks, in order to obtain the WEP encryption key of a wireless access point. aircrack-ng can be obtained from
Cain & Abel v4.9.35 - released
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocol.
Cain and Abel updated to v4.9.34
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocol.
Airoscript v2.2 released
Airoscript is a text-user-interface (TUI) for aircrack-ng. A great companion to make your life easier on wifi pentesting. Various attacks are available, such as chopchop, fragmentation attack, fakeauth, deauth, dictionary attacks and WPA cracking.
Cain & Abel v4.9.32 released
Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of several kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols.
Aircrack-ng v1.0 - Finally Released
Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.