Most Popular
(1 %) | mysqloit v0.1 - SQL Injection Takeover Tool |
(1 %) | BSQL (Blind SQL) Hacker v0.908 beta released |
(1 %) | SAINT® 6.9.4 available |
(1 %) | Inguma released |
(1 %) | Browser Rider v20090204 released |
SQLNinja v0.2.5 released!
Sqlninja is a tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Its main goal is to provide a remote access on the vulnerable DB server, even in a very hostile environment. It should be used by penetration testers to help and automate the process of taking over a DB Server when a SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered.
DAVTest v1.0 - WebDAV Application
DAVTest tests WebDAV enabled servers by uploading test executable files, and then (optionally) uploading files which allow for command execution or other actions directly on the target. It is meant for penetration testers to quickly and easily determine if enabled DAV services are exploitable.
(Paper) Pentesting Adobe Flex Applications (introducing new tool Blazentoo)
Marcin Wielgoszewski from Gotham Digital Science gave a keynote at the OWASP NY session ( where he exhibited intrusion techniques on application based on Adobe AIR. Indeed, with the integration of RIA in the client side, we tend to forget that the beauty of things can hide a real threat.
SIP Inspector v1.10 released
SIP Inspector is a tool written in JAVA to simulate different SIP messages and scenarios. You can create your own SIP signaling scenarios, customize SIP messages and monitor incoming and outgoing messages. The tool can play RTP streams from a pcap file.
Ubuntu Pentest Edition v2.03 released
Ubuntu Pentest Edition is a gnome based linux designed as a complete system which can also be used for penetration testing. Ubuntu Pentest Edition has a big repository of software (Ubuntu repositories) and high customization possibilities. The system is made in a way that you can configure it to suite your needs.
SFX-SQLi v1.1.3.2 available
SFX-SQLi (Select For XML SQL injection) is a new SQL injection technique which allows to extract the whole information of a Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 database in an extremely fast and efficient way.
CUPP Common User Passwords Profiler v3 released
People spend a lot of time preparing for effective dictionary attack. Common User Passwords Profiler (CUPP) is made to simplify this attack method that is often used as last resort in penetration testing and forensic crime investigations. A weak password might be very short or only use alphanumeric characters, making decryption simple. A weak password can also be one that is easily guessed by someone profiling the user, such as a birthday, nickname, address, name of a pet or relative, or a common word such as God, love, money or password.
Kon-Boot "root a box" on the fly v1.1 in the wild
Kon-Boot is an prototype piece of software which allows to change contents of a Linux kernel (and now Windows kernel also!!!) on the fly (while booting). In the current compilation state it allows to log into a linux system as ’root’ user without typing the correct password or to elevate privileges from current user to root.
Metasploit 3.3.3-Tokamac Released
The Metasploit Framework is a development platform for creating security tools and exploits. The framework is used by network security professionals to perform penetration tests, system administrators to verify patch installations, product vendors to perform regression testing, and security researchers world-wide. The framework is written in the Ruby programming language and includes components written in C and assembler.
SAINT® v7.3.2 Released
SAINT is the Security Administrator’s Integrated Network Tool. It is used to non-intrusively detect security vulnerabilities on any remote target, including servers, workstations, networking devices, and other types of nodes. It will also gather information such as operating system types and open ports. The SAINT graphical user interface provides access to SAINT’s data management, scan configuration, scan scheduling, and data analysis capabilities through a web browser. Different aspects of the scan results are presented in hyperlinked HTML pages, and reports on complete scan results can be generated and saved.
Nmap v5.30 beta 1 in the wild - doped with scripts -
Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, although it works fine against single hosts. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. Nmap runs on most types of computers and both console and graphical versions are available. Nmap is free and open source (license).0
OWASP Broken Web Applications v0.91rc1 available
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Broken Web Applications Project is distributed as a Virtual Machine in VMware format compatible with their no-cost VMware Player and VMware Server products (along with their commercial products).
WeaknetLabs announced WeakNet Linux IV
WeakNet Linux is small enough to fit onto a CD current build 600MB and runs servers directly from the CD including Web / PHP, FTP, SSH, and more.
Sip Inspector v1.00 released
SIP Inspector is a tool written in JAVA to simulate different SIP messages and scenarios. You can create your own SIP signaling scenarios, customize SIP messages and monitor incoming and outgoing messages. The tool can play RTP streams from a pcap file.
VASTO The First Virtualization Assessment Toolkit released
Secure Network is working on the first security assessment toolkit for virtual infrastructures, VASTO, and Criscione announced today the public beta at the Troopers conference.
VASTO comes as a set of components for Metasploit, one of the most popular frameworks for penetration testing in the security industry.
W3AF ported to FreeBSD
w3af, is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The w3af core and it’s plugins are fully written in python. The project has more than 130 plugins, which check for SQL injection, cross site scripting (xss), local and remote file inclusion and much
XSSploit XSS scanner multiplatfom v0.5 available
XSSploit is a multi-platform Cross-Site Scripting scanner and exploiter written in Python. It has been developed to help discovery and exploitation of XSS vulnerabilities in penetration testing missions.
Saint Vulnerability Scanner v7.3 on the wild
SAINT is the Security Administrator’s Integrated Network Tool. It is used to non-intrusively detect security vulnerabilities on any remote target, including servers, workstations, networking devices, and other types of nodes. It will also gather information such as operating system types and open ports. The SAINT graphical user interface provides access to SAINT’s data management, scan configuration, scan scheduling, and data analysis capabilities through a web browser. Different aspects of the scan results are presented in hyperlinked HTML pages, and reports on complete scan results can be generated and save.
SQLMap v0.8 released
SQLmap is an automatic SQL injection tool entirely developed in Python. It is capable to perform an extensive database management system back-end fingerprint, retrieve remote DBMS databases, usernames, tables, columns, enumerate entire DBMS, read system files and much more taking advantage of web application programming security flaws that lead to SQL injection vulnerabilities.
fimap v0.8a released
fimap is a little python tool which can find, prepare, audit, exploit and even google automaticly for local and remote file inclusion bugs in webapps. fimap should be something like sqlmap just for LFI/RFI bugs instead of sql injection. It’s is currently under heavy development but it’s usable.