Security-Database integrates CAPEC v1.5

Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC) provides a a publicly available catalog of attack patterns along with a comprehensive schema and classification taxonomy. The CAPEC assists in enhancing security throughout the software development lifecycle, and to support the needs of developers, testers and educators

In an effort to remain compliant to security open standards, we’ve just updated our vulnerability database to reflect the latest changes made to the CAPEC catalog

GIF - 2.2 kb

Changes for the new release include:

  • 24 new attack patterns,
  • 34 existing attack patterns modified with enhanced material
  • 1 attack pattern deprecated
  • 1 new view added
  • CAPEC-View-333 - WASC Threat Classification 2.0
  • 64 CAPEC-to-CWE mappings added
  • 1 CAPEC-to-CAPEC mapping added
  • 3 CAPEC-to-CAPEC mappings removed.

CAPEC catalog in Security-database

IT Vulnerability & Threats Dashboard v2.0 Beta with the updated catalog