Security-Database Blog

StreamArmor v1.0 the advanced forensics tool released

StreamArmor is the sophisticated tool for discovering hidden alternate data streams (ADS) as well as clean them completely from the system. It’s advanced auto analysis coupled with online threat verification mechanism makes it the best tool available in the market for eradicating the evil streams

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Keykeriki release v2 in the wild : exploiting the wireless devices

Remote-Exploit is proud to present the universal wireless keyboard sniffer: Keykeriki. This opensource hardware and software project enables every person to verify the security level of their own keyboard transmissions, and/or demonstrate the sniffing attacks (for educational purpose only). The hardware itself is designed to be small and versatile, it can be extended to currently undetected/unknown keyboard traffic, and/or hardware extensions, for example, a repeating module or amplifier

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OWASP Broken Web Applications v0.91rc1 available

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Broken Web Applications Project is distributed as a Virtual Machine in VMware format compatible with their no-cost VMware Player and VMware Server products (along with their commercial products).

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pwnat tool v0.1-beta bypassing NAT

pwnat, pronounced "poe-nat", is a tool that allows any number of clients behind NATs to communicate with a server behind a separate NAT with *no* port forwarding and *no* DMZ setup on any routers in order to directly communicate with each other. The server does not need to know anything about the clients trying to connect.

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Flint the Firewall Rules Checkup Scanner updated to v1.0.4

Flint examines firewalls, quickly computes the effect of all the configuration rules, and then spots problems so you can:

  • CLEAN UP RUSTY CONFIGURATIONS that are crudded up with rules that can’t match traffic.
  • ERADICATE LATENT SECURITY PROBLEMS lurking in overly-permissive rules
  • SANITY CHECK CHANGES to see if new rules create problems.
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log2timeline updated to v0.42

log2timeline is a framework for artifact timeline creation and analysis. The main purpose is to provide a single tool to parse various log files and artifacts found on suspect systems (and supporting systems, such as network equipment) and produce a body file that can be used to create a timeline, using tools such as mactime from TSK, for forensic investigators.

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WeaknetLabs announced WeakNet Linux IV

WeakNet Linux is small enough to fit onto a CD current build 600MB and runs servers directly from the CD including Web / PHP, FTP, SSH, and more.

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Process Explorer v12 released

Process Explorer is an advanced process management utility that picks up where Task Manager leaves off. It will show you detailed information about a process including its icon, command-line, full image path, memory statistics, user account, security attributes, and more. When you zoom in on a particular process you can list the DLLs it has loaded or the operating system resource handles it has open. A search capability enables you to track down a process that has a resource opened, such as a file, directory or Registry key, or to view the list of processes that have a DLL loaded.

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SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT) Version 2.0 in the wild

The SANS SIFT Workstation is a VMware Appliance that is pre-configured with all the necessary tools to perform a detailed digital forensic examination. It is compatible with Expert Witness Format (E01), Advanced Forensic Format (AFF), and raw (dd) evidence formats. The brand new version has been completely rebuilt on an Ubuntu base with many additional tools and capabilities that can match any modern forensic tool suite.

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ZeroDayScanner SaaS Free Security Scan Service

ZeroDayScan is a free security web scanning service brought to you by experienced security experts. The service is provided free of charge.

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OpenScap v0.5.8 released - OVAL API extended

The OpenSCAP Project was created to provide an open-source framework to the community which enables integration with the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) suite of standards and capabilities.

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