Executive Summary

This Alert is flagged as TOP 25 Common Weakness Enumeration from CWE/SANS. For more information, you can read this.
Title C compilers may silently discard some wraparound checks
Name VU#162289 First vendor Publication 2008-04-04
Vendor VU-CERT Last vendor Modification 2008-05-02
Severity (Vendor) N/A Revision M

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector : (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)
Cvss Base Score 6.8 Attack Range Network
Cvss Impact Score 6.4 Attack Complexity Medium
Cvss Expoit Score 8.6 Authentication None Required
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Vulnerability Note VU#162289

C compilers may silently discard some wraparound checks


Some C compilers optimize away pointer arithmetic overflow tests that depend on undefined behavior without providing a diagnostic (a warning). Applications containing these tests may be vulnerable to buffer overflows if compiled with these compilers.

I. Description

In the C language, given the following types:

        char *buf;
        int len;

some C compilers will assume that buf+len >= buf. As a result, code that performs wrapping checks similar to the following:

    len = 1<<30;
    if(buf+len < buf)  /* wrap check */
      [...overflow occurred...]

are optimized out by these compilers; no object code to perform the check will appear in the resulting executable program. In the case where the wrap test expression is optimized out, a subsequent manipulation of lencould cause an overflow. As a result, applications that perform such checks may be vulnerable to buffer overflows.

Wrapping checks that use methods similar to the one described above depend on undefined behavior. Conforming implementations are permitted to perform the optimization by the ISO/IEC 9899:1999 C specification (ยง6.5.6p8) as undefined behavior. Even if a conforming implementation currently generates object code for an undefined behavior, future versions of the compiler are not obligated to do the same; this behavior may be viewed as an opportunity for further optimization. To ensure that such changes to the compiler do not invalidate assumptions, developers should follow the recommendations described in CERT C Secure Coding recommendation MSC15-A and rule ARR38-C to avoid this error. Furthermore, compilers are not required to issue diagnostics for undefined behavior, so there is frequently no easy way to identify undefined behavior in code, particularly during manual code audits.

Note that this issue does not strictly constitute a vulnerability in the compilers themselves. Rather, this behavior may introduce vulnerabilities in applications that include similar code and are compiled with affected compiler implementations. Existing code that relies on the undefined behavior in the wrapping check is particularly susceptible to this behavior.

Multiple implementations are known to perform this optimization. This optimization may be affected by the setting of the optimization level as well as other flags. Additional information about affected implementations can be found in the Systems Affected section of this document.

II. Impact

An application that performs wrapping checks based on an expression such as the one described above may be vulnerable to buffer overflow if compiled with affected compiler implementations. The nature of the resulting vulnerability would be specific to the application and depends on how the affected code is used.

III. Solution

Use casts

Cast objects of type char* to uintptr_t before comparison. The faulty wrapping check listed above would be written

    #include <stdint.h>
    if((uintptr_t)buf+len < (uintptr_t)buf)
Alternatively, developers can use size_t on platforms that do not provide the uintptr_t type. Developers should also follow the recommendations described in CERT C Secure Coding rule ARR38-C.

Avoid affected compiler implementations
Application developers and vendors of large codebases that cannot be audited for use of the defective wrapping checks are urged to avoid using compiler implementations that perform the offending optimization. Vendors and developers should carefully evaluate the conditions under which their compiler may perform the offending optimization. In some cases, downgrading the version of the compiler in use or sticking with versions of the compiler that do not perform the offending optimization may mitigate resulting vulnerabilities in applications.

Systems Affected

VendorStatusDate Updated
Cray Inc.Unknown23-Apr-2008
GNU Compiler CollectionVulnerable2-May-2008
Hewlett-Packard CompanyUnknown17-Apr-2008
IBM CorporationUnknown17-Apr-2008
Intel CorporationNot Vulnerable25-Apr-2008
Microsoft CorporationUnknown17-Apr-2008
Silicon Graphics, Inc.Unknown17-Apr-2008
Sun Microsystems, Inc.Unknown17-Apr-2008
Wind River Systems, Inc.Unknown17-Apr-2008




Felix von Leitner originally published information about this behavior in the gcc compiler. Russ Cox later noticed this behavior as well and provided additional information and assistance.

This document was written by Chad R Dougherty and Robert C Seacord.

Other Information

Date Public04/17/2006
Date First Published04/04/2008 09:07:25 AM
Date Last Updated05/02/2008
CERT Advisory 
CVE Name 
US-CERT Technical Alerts 
Document Revision56

Original Source

Url : http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/162289

CAPEC : Common Attack Pattern Enumeration & Classification

Id Name
CAPEC-8 Buffer Overflow in an API Call
CAPEC-9 Buffer Overflow in Local Command-Line Utilities
CAPEC-10 Buffer Overflow via Environment Variables
CAPEC-24 Filter Failure through Buffer Overflow
CAPEC-46 Overflow Variables and Tags

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

% Id Name
50 % CWE-189 Numeric Errors (CWE/SANS Top 25)
50 % CWE-119 Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer

CPE : Common Platform Enumeration

Application 6

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

Id Description
44142 Gnu GCC Length Testing Code Failure Code Compilation Weakness