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Vendor Amd First view 2023-07-11
Product Epyc 9754 Firmware Last view 2024-01-11
Version Type Os
Sofware Edition  
Target Software  
Target Hardware  

Activity : Overall


CPE Name Affected CVE
cpe:2.3:o:amd:epyc_9754_firmware:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 7
cpe:2.3:o:amd:epyc_9754_firmware:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 5

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
3.2 2024-01-11 CVE-2023-20573

A privileged attacker can prevent delivery of debug exceptions to SEV-SNP guests potentially resulting in guests not receiving expected debug information.

7.5 2023-11-14 CVE-2023-20566

Improper address validation in ASP with SNP enabled may potentially allow an attacker to compromise guest memory integrity.

5.3 2023-11-14 CVE-2022-23830

SMM configuration may not be immutable, as intended, when SNP is enabled resulting in a potential limited loss of guest memory integrity.

7.5 2023-11-14 CVE-2021-46774

Insufficient DRAM address validation in System Management Unit (SMU) may allow an attacker to read/write from/to an invalid DRAM address, potentially resulting in denial-of-service.

5.5 2023-11-14 CVE-2021-46766

Improper clearing of sensitive data in the ASP Bootloader may expose secret keys to a privileged attacker accessing ASP SRAM, potentially leading to a loss of confidentiality.

4.9 2023-11-14 CVE-2021-26345

Failure to validate the value in APCB may allow a privileged attacker to tamper with the APCB token to force an out-of-bounds memory read potentially resulting in a denial of service.

6.5 2023-07-11 CVE-2023-20575

A potential power side-channel vulnerability in some AMD processors may allow an authenticated attacker to use the power reporting functionality to monitor a program’s execution inside an AMD SEV VM potentially resulting in a leak of sensitive information.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

33% (1) CWE-459 Incomplete Cleanup
33% (1) CWE-203 Information Exposure Through Discrepancy
33% (1) CWE-125 Out-of-bounds Read