OpenVAS stable version available

OpenVAS stands for Open Vulnerability Assessment System and is a network security scanner with associated tools like a graphical user fontend. The core is a server component with a set of plugins to test various vulnerabilities in remote systems and applications.

In July 2008 the OpenVAS developer team finished the update cycle of the 1.0
release including all four server modules and the client.

The most work during this update cycle went into cleanups and support for RPM
and Debian packagers. The number of necessary bug-fixes remained pleasingly

OpenVAS installation packages are readily available for various platforms:
OpenSUSE, Fedora, Mandrake, FreeBSD and Gentoo. Packages for Debian and
Ubuntu are in the works. Additionally, OpenVAS-Client is available for
Microsoft Windows operating systems.

OpenVAS products are Free Software under GNU GPL and a fork of Nessus (specially 2.2.x).

Current status :

  • Client:
  • OpenVAS-Client 1.0.4
  • Server components:
  • openvas-libraries 1.0.2
  • openvas-libnasl 1.0.1
  • openvas-server 1.0.1
  • openvas-plugins 1.0.2
  • Documentation : OpenVAS Compendium 0.1.0

Post scriptum

Compliance Mandates

  • Vulnerability Scanner :

    PCI DSS 11.2, 6.6, SOX A13.3, GLBA 16CFR Part 314.4(c), HIPAA 164.308(a)(8), FISMA RA-5, SI-2, ISO 27001-27002 12.6, 15.2.2

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Vulnerability Scanner