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7.5 2009-05-14 VU#238019 VU-CERT Cyrus SASL library buffer overflow vulnerability
7.8 2009-05-06 VU#576996 VU-CERT NuPoint Messenger server transmits authentication credentials in plain text
5 2009-05-01 VU#402580 VU-CERT Jetty HTTP server directory traversal vulnerability
9.3 2009-04-29 VU#970180 VU-CERT Adobe Reader and Acrobat customDictionaryOpen() and getAnnots() JavaScript vulnerabilities
7.5 2009-04-16 VU#196617 VU-CERT Xpdf and poppler contain multiple vulnerabilities in the processing of JBIG2 data
9.3 2009-04-15 VU#789121 VU-CERT Microsoft Whale Intelligent Application Gateway Whale Client Components ActiveX control stack buffer overflows
9.3 2009-04-06 VU#908801 VU-CERT Particle Software IntraLaunch Application Launcher ActiveX control fails to restrict access to dangerous methods
9.3 2009-04-03 VU#627331 VU-CERT Microsoft Office PowerPoint code execution vulnerability
9.3 2009-03-31 VU#985449 VU-CERT SAP AG SAPgui EAI WebViewer3D ActiveX control stack buffer overflow
9.3 2009-03-24 VU#340420 VU-CERT IBM Access Support ActiveX control stack buffer overflow
9.3 2009-03-19 VU#276563 VU-CERT Autonomy KeyView SDK buffer overflow vulnerability
7.5 2009-03-13 VU#845747 VU-CERT PTK contains multiple vulnerabilities
6.4 2009-03-10 VU#319331 VU-CERT Microsoft Windows DNS Server response validation vulnerability
6.8 2009-03-02 VU#649212 VU-CERT libpng fails to properly initialize element pointers
10 2009-02-26 VU#461321 VU-CERT HP Virtual Rooms ActiveX control fails to restrict access to dangerous methods
5.4 2009-02-23 VU#435052 VU-CERT Intercepting proxy servers may incorrectly rely on HTTP headers to make connections
9.3 2009-02-20 VU#905281 VU-CERT Adobe Reader and Acrobat JBIG2 buffer overflow vulnerability
10 2009-02-11 VU#310355 VU-CERT GE Fanuc Proficy HMI/SCADA iFIX uses insecure authentication techniques
9.3 2009-02-10 VU#131100 VU-CERT RIM BlackBerry Application Web Loader ActiveX stack buffer overflow
5 2009-02-05 VU#124059 VU-CERT GoAhead Webserver information disclosure vulnerability
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