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9.3 2009-07-28 VU#456745 VU-CERT ActiveX controls built with Microsoft ATL fail to properly handle initialization data
9.3 2009-07-22 VU#259425 VU-CERT Adobe Flash vulnerability affects Flash Player and other Adobe products
9.3 2009-07-15 VU#545228 VU-CERT Microsoft Office Web Components Spreadsheet ActiveX control vulnerability
5 2009-07-14 VU#466161 VU-CERT XML signature HMAC truncation authentication bypass
10 2009-07-14 VU#410676 VU-CERT ISC DHCP dhclient stack buffer overflow
9.3 2009-07-14 VU#443060 VU-CERT Mozilla Firefox 3.5 TraceMonkey JavaScript engine uninitialized memory vulnerability
9.3 2009-07-06 VU#180513 VU-CERT Microsoft Video ActiveX control stack buffer overflow
9.3 2009-06-19 VU#251793 VU-CERT Foxit Reader contains multiple vulnerabilities in the processing of JPX data
9.3 2009-06-09 VU#983731 VU-CERT eBay Enhanced Picture Uploader ActiveX control vulnerable to arbitrary command execution
9.3 2009-06-09 VU#568153 VU-CERT Adobe Reader contains multiple vulnerabilities in the processing of JPX data
N/A 2009-05-20 VU#710316 VU-CERT NSD vulnerable to one-byte overflow
7.6 2009-05-19 VU#787932 VU-CERT Microsoft IIS WebDAV Remote Authentication Bypass
6.8 2009-05-18 VU#853097 VU-CERT ntpd autokey stack buffer overflow
7.5 2009-05-14 VU#238019 VU-CERT Cyrus SASL library buffer overflow vulnerability
7.8 2009-05-06 VU#576996 VU-CERT NuPoint Messenger server transmits authentication credentials in plain text
5 2009-05-01 VU#402580 VU-CERT Jetty HTTP server directory traversal vulnerability
9.3 2009-04-29 VU#970180 VU-CERT Adobe Reader and Acrobat customDictionaryOpen() and getAnnots() JavaScript vulnerabilities
7.5 2009-04-16 VU#196617 VU-CERT Xpdf and poppler contain multiple vulnerabilities in the processing of JBIG2 data
9.3 2009-04-15 VU#789121 VU-CERT Microsoft Whale Intelligent Application Gateway Whale Client Components ActiveX control stack buffer overflows
9.3 2009-04-06 VU#908801 VU-CERT Particle Software IntraLaunch Application Launcher ActiveX control fails to restrict access to dangerous methods
Page(s) : 1 ... 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 [49] 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ... Result(s) : 1307