Executive Summary

This Alert is flagged as TOP 25 Common Weakness Enumeration from CWE/SANS. For more information, you can read this.
Title Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center URI processing vulnerability
Name VU#578319 First vendor Publication 2010-06-10
Vendor VU-CERT Last vendor Modification 2010-07-13
Severity (Vendor) N/A Revision M

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
Calculate full CVSS 3.0 Vectors scores

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector : (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
Cvss Base Score 9.3 Attack Range Network
Cvss Impact Score 10 Attack Complexity Medium
Cvss Expoit Score 8.6 Authentication None Required
Calculate full CVSS 2.0 Vectors scores


Vulnerability Note VU#578319

Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center URI processing vulnerability


The Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center application fails to properly sanitize hcp:// URIs, which can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary commands.

I. Description

Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center is the default handler for the hcp protocol on Windows XP and 2003 systems. When an hcp:// URI is encountered, Windows will launch the Help and Support Center application, which is provided by helpctr.exe. When helpctr.exe is invoked from an hcp:// URI, it operates in a more restricted mode by using the -FromHCP command-line parameter. This is supposed to restrict the Help and Support Center to a whitelisted set of help documents and parameters.

The UrlUnescape function that is used by helpctr.exe contains an error that allows an attacker to bypass the whitelist restrictions provided by the -FromHCP option. By leveraging an XSS vulnerability in an existing Help and Support Center document, an attacker can inject arbitrary script commands into a Help and Support Center session. Because the Help and Support Center documents are located in a trusted zone, this can allow arbitrary Windows commands to be executed.

II. Impact

By causing Microsoft Windows to handle a specially crafted hcp:// URI, a remote, unauthenticated attacker can execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the user. This can happen as the result of viewing a specially crafted webpage, opening a Windows Media Player file, or through the use of other attack vectors.

III. Solution

Apply an update

This issue is addressed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS10-042.

Disable the HCP protocol handler

This vulnerability can be mitigated by removing the HCP protocol handler. This can be accomplished by removing the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTHCPshellopen registry key. Note that this may interfere with Windows functionality that relies on the HCP protocol.

Secure your web browser

This vulnerability can be mitigated by following the guidelines outlined in the Securing Your Web Browser document. This can help mitigate attacks that use web browsers as attack vectors.

Update Windows Media Player

A fully patched Windows XP system will come with Windows Media Player 9 by default. Windows Media Player versions 10 and later have some security improvements, such as prompting before loading external web content. Although it does not address the underlying vulnerability, upgrading to Windows Media Player 10 or later can help mitigate some attack vectors by prompting the user.

Vendor Information

VendorStatusDate NotifiedDate Updated
Microsoft CorporationAffected2010-06-102010-07-13




This vulnerability was discovered and publicly reported by Tavis Ormandy.

This document was written by Will Dormann.

Other Information

Date Public:2010-06-09
Date First Published:2010-06-10
Date Last Updated:2010-07-13
CERT Advisory: 
US-CERT Technical Alerts: 
Document Revision:31

Original Source

Url : http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/578319

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

% Id Name
50 % CWE-79 Failure to Preserve Web Page Structure ('Cross-site Scripting') (CWE/SANS Top 25)
50 % CWE-78 Improper Sanitization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection') (CWE/SANS Top 25)

OVAL Definitions

Definition Id: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:11733
Oval ID: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:11733
Title: Help Center URL Validation Vulnerability
Description: The MPC::HexToNum function in helpctr.exe in Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 does not properly handle malformed escape sequences, which allows remote attackers to bypass the trusted documents whitelist (fromHCP option) and execute arbitrary commands via a crafted hcp:// URL, aka "Help Center URL Validation Vulnerability."
Family: windows Class: vulnerability
Reference(s): CVE-2010-1885
Version: 3
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Definition Synopsis:

CPE : Common Platform Enumeration

Os 2
Os 1
Os 3

SAINT Exploits

Description Link
Windows Help and Support Center -FromHCP URL whitelist bypass More info here

OpenVAS Exploits

Date Description
2010-07-14 Name : Microsoft Help and Support Center Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (2229593)
File : nvt/secpod_ms10-042.nasl
2010-06-11 Name : MS Windows Help and Support Center Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
File : nvt/gb_ms_windows_help_n_support_center_code_exec_vuln.nasl

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

Id Description
65529 Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center sysinfo/sysinfomain.htm svr Paramet...

Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center contains a flaw that allows a remote cross-site scripting (XSS) attack. This flaw exists because the application does not validate the 'svr' parameter upon submission to the sysinfo/sysinfomain.htm page. This may allow a user to create a specially crafted URL that would execute arbitrary script code in a user's browser within the trust relationship between their browser and the server.
65264 Microsoft Windows hcp:// Protocol Handler MPC::HexToNum() Function String Mis...

Microsoft Windows contains a flaw related to the 'MPC::HexToNum()' function in 'helpctr.exe' failing to properly handle escape sequences. This may allow a remote attacker to bypass the trusted documents whitelist and execute arbitrary commands via a crafted hcp:// URL directed to the sysinfomain.htm help document.

Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM)

Date Description
2010-07-15 IAVM : 2010-A-0095 - Microsoft Help and Support Center Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Severity : Category II - VMSKEY : V0024848

Snort® IPS/IDS

Date Description
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - readme.dll
RuleID : 27898 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - calc.dll
RuleID : 27897 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - contacts.dll
RuleID : 27896 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - info.dll
RuleID : 27895 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - about.dll
RuleID : 27894 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 iFramer toolkit injected iframe detected - specific structure
RuleID : 27271 - Revision : 3 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page retrieval
RuleID : 27072 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page retrieval
RuleID : 27071 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - info.dll
RuleID : 26508 - Revision : 3 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit jar file downloaded
RuleID : 26434 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Nuclear exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 26343 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Nuclear exploit kit landing page - specific structure
RuleID : 26342 - Revision : 3 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Nuclear exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 26341 - Revision : 3 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page retrieval - ff.php
RuleID : 26339 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 IFRAMEr injection detection - leads to exploit kit
RuleID : 26338 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page - specific structure
RuleID : 26337 - Revision : 3 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page retrieval
RuleID : 26227 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit 32-alpha jar request
RuleID : 25798 - Revision : 10 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit redirection successful
RuleID : 25611 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 25569 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page retrieval
RuleID : 25568 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple Exploit Kit Payload detection - setup.exe
RuleID : 25526 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit redirection successful
RuleID : 25388 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - readme.exe
RuleID : 25387 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - about.exe
RuleID : 25386 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - calc.exe
RuleID : 25385 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - contacts.exe
RuleID : 25384 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit Payload detection - info.exe
RuleID : 25383 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Multiple exploit kit malicious jar file dropped
RuleID : 25382 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit url structure detected
RuleID : 25043 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit redirection successful
RuleID : 24638 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit redirection page - specific structure
RuleID : 24637 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit redirection page - specific structure
RuleID : 24636 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit landing page download attempt
RuleID : 24608 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit landing page received - specific structure
RuleID : 24593 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page download attempt
RuleID : 24548 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page download attempt
RuleID : 24547 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit landing page download attempt
RuleID : 24546 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole admin page outbound access attempt
RuleID : 24544 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole admin page inbound access attempt
RuleID : 24543 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit fallback executable download
RuleID : 24501 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole - Cookie Set
RuleID : 24475 - Revision : 3 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit landing page Received
RuleID : 24228 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 - URI Structure
RuleID : 24227 - Revision : 9 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackholev2 exploit kit landing page received
RuleID : 24226 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole possible email Landing to 8 chr folder
RuleID : 24171 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure
RuleID : 24054 - Revision : 10 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure
RuleID : 24053 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - fewbgazr catch
RuleID : 23962 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - hwehes
RuleID : 23850 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole redirection attempt
RuleID : 23849 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole redirection attempt
RuleID : 23848 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole redirection page
RuleID : 23797 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - Math.round catch
RuleID : 23786 - Revision : 9 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - Math.floor catch
RuleID : 23785 - Revision : 9 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 23781 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page request - tkr
RuleID : 23622 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - prototype catch ...
RuleID : 23619 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page download attempt
RuleID : 23159 - Revision : 9 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - prototype catch
RuleID : 23158 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Nuclear Pack exploit kit binary download
RuleID : 23157 - Revision : 10 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Nuclear Pack exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 23156 - Revision : 11 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole redirection attempt
RuleID : 22949 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole Exploit Kit javascript service method
RuleID : 22088 - Revision : 12 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole landing redirection page
RuleID : 22041 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole suspected landing page
RuleID : 22040 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole suspected landing page
RuleID : 22039 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit landing page with specific structure - Loading
RuleID : 21876 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Possible exploit kit post compromise activity - taskkill
RuleID : 21875 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Possible exploit kit post compromise activity - StrReverse
RuleID : 21874 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - catch
RuleID : 21661 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page Requested - /Index/index.php
RuleID : 21660 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page Requested - /Home/index.php
RuleID : 21659 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 21658 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page - specific structure
RuleID : 21657 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - prototype catch
RuleID : 21646-community - Revision : 16 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - prototype catch
RuleID : 21646 - Revision : 16 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - BBB
RuleID : 21581 - Revision : 9 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific header
RuleID : 21549 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific header
RuleID : 21539 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - prototype catch
RuleID : 21492-community - Revision : 22 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page with specific structure - prototype catch
RuleID : 21492 - Revision : 22 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit JavaScript carat string splitting with hostile applet
RuleID : 21438-community - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit JavaScript carat string splitting with hostile applet
RuleID : 21438 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit URL - search.php?page=
RuleID : 21348 - Revision : 8 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit URL - .php?page=
RuleID : 21347 - Revision : 12 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit malicious jar download
RuleID : 21346 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit malicious jar request
RuleID : 21345 - Revision : 9 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit pdf download
RuleID : 21344 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit pdf request
RuleID : 21343 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit response
RuleID : 21259 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit control panel access
RuleID : 21141 - Revision : 7 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Eleanore exploit kit post-exploit page request
RuleID : 21071 - Revision : 5 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Eleanore exploit kit pdf exploit page request
RuleID : 21070 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Eleanore exploit kit exploit fetch request
RuleID : 21069 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Eleanore exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 21068 - Revision : 4 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 21045 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit landing page
RuleID : 21044 - Revision : 6 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit post-compromise download attempt - .php?e=
RuleID : 21043 - Revision : 10 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit post-compromise download attempt - .php?f=
RuleID : 21042 - Revision : 11 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Blackhole exploit kit URL - main.php?page=
RuleID : 21041 - Revision : 12 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Microsoft Windows Help Centre escape sequence XSS attempt
RuleID : 16665 - Revision : 13 - Type : OS-WINDOWS

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

Date Description
2010-07-13 Name : It is possible to execute arbitrary code on the remote Windows host through t...
File : smb_nt_ms10-042.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-06-18 Name : It may be possible to execute arbitrary code on the remote host using Windows...
File : smb_kb_2219475.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO

Alert History

If you want to see full details history, please login or register.
Date Informations
2015-04-10 13:28:16
  • Multiple Updates
2014-02-17 12:07:59
  • Multiple Updates
2013-05-11 00:57:13
  • Multiple Updates