Executive Summary

Title flash-plugin security update
Name RHSA-2010:0706 First vendor Publication 2010-09-21
Vendor RedHat Last vendor Modification 2010-09-21
Severity (Vendor) Critical Revision 01

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
Calculate full CVSS 3.0 Vectors scores

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector : (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
Cvss Base Score 9.3 Attack Range Network
Cvss Impact Score 10 Attack Complexity Medium
Cvss Expoit Score 8.6 Authentication None Required
Calculate full CVSS 2.0 Vectors scores


Problem Description:

An updated Adobe Flash Player package that fixes one security issue is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 Extras, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Supplementary.

The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as having critical security impact. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available from the CVE link in the References section.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

RHEL Desktop Supplementary (v. 5 client) - i386, x86_64 RHEL Supplementary (v. 5 server) - i386, x86_64 Red Hat Desktop version 3 Extras - i386 Red Hat Desktop version 4 Extras - i386 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3 Extras - i386 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4 Extras - i386 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3 Extras - i386 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4 Extras - i386 Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3 Extras - i386 Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4 Extras - i386

3. Description:

The flash-plugin package contains a Mozilla Firefox compatible Adobe Flash Player web browser plug-in.

This update fixes one vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player. This vulnerability is detailed on the Adobe security page APSB10-22, listed in the References section. If a victim loaded a page containing specially-crafted SWF content, it could cause flash-plugin to crash or, potentially, execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2010-2884)

All users of Adobe Flash Player should install this updated package, which upgrades Flash Player to version for users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Supplementary, and version 9.0.283 for users of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 Extras.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously-released errata relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via the Red Hat Network. Details on how to use the Red Hat Network to apply this update are available at http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/docs/DOC-11259

5. Bugs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

633917 - CVE-2010-2884 Adobe Flash: crash or potential arbitrary code execution (APSB10-22)

Original Source

Url : https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2010-0706.html

OVAL Definitions

Definition Id: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:21982
Oval ID: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:21982
Title: RHSA-2010:0706: flash-plugin security update (Critical)
Description: Adobe Flash Player and earlier on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris and on Android; authplay.dll in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x before 9.4; and authplay.dll in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 8.x before 8.2.5 on Windows and Mac OS X allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, as exploited in the wild in September 2010.
Family: unix Class: patch
Reference(s): RHSA-2010:0706-01
Version: 4
Platform(s): Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Product(s): flash-plugin
Definition Synopsis:
Definition Id: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:23120
Oval ID: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:23120
Title: ELSA-2010:0706: flash-plugin security update (Critical)
Description: Adobe Flash Player and earlier on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris and on Android; authplay.dll in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x before 9.4; and authplay.dll in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 8.x before 8.2.5 on Windows and Mac OS X allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, as exploited in the wild in September 2010.
Family: unix Class: patch
Reference(s): ELSA-2010:0706-01
Version: 6
Platform(s): Oracle Linux 5
Product(s): flash-plugin
Definition Synopsis:
Definition Id: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:6852
Oval ID: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:6852
Title: Adobe Flash Player, Acrobat Reader, and Acrobat Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Description: Adobe Flash Player and earlier on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris and on Android; authplay.dll in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x before 9.4; and authplay.dll in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 8.x before 8.2.5 on Windows and Mac OS X allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (memory corruption) via unspecified vectors, as exploited in the wild in September 2010.
Family: windows Class: vulnerability
Reference(s): CVE-2010-2884
Version: 27
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2
Product(s): Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Reader
Adobe Acrobat
Definition Synopsis:

CPE : Common Platform Enumeration

Application 88
Application 101

OpenVAS Exploits

Date Description
2011-09-07 Name : Mac OS X v10.6.4 Multiple Vulnerabilities (2010-007)
File : nvt/gb_macosx_su10-007.nasl
2011-03-09 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 201101-08 (acroread)
File : nvt/glsa_201101_08.nasl
2011-03-09 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 201101-09 (adobe-flash)
File : nvt/glsa_201101_09.nasl
2010-10-19 Name : SuSE Update for acroread SUSE-SA:2010:048
File : nvt/gb_suse_2010_048.nasl
2010-10-18 Name : Adobe Acrobat and Reader Multiple Vulnerabilities -Oct10 (Windows)
File : nvt/gb_adobe_prdts_mult_vuln_oct10_win.nasl
2010-10-10 Name : FreeBSD Ports: linux-flashplugin
File : nvt/freebsd_linux-flashplugin10.nasl
2010-10-01 Name : SuSE Update for flash-player SUSE-SA:2010:042
File : nvt/gb_suse_2010_042.nasl
2010-09-21 Name : Adobe Reader/Flash Player Content Code Execution Vulnerability (Linux)
File : nvt/secpod_adobe_prdts_content_code_execution_vuln_lin.nasl
2010-09-21 Name : Adobe Products Content Code Execution Vulnerability (Windows)
File : nvt/secpod_adobe_prdts_content_code_execution_vuln_win.nasl

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

Id Description
68024 Adobe Flash Player Unspecified Code Execution

Adobe Flash Player contains a flaw that may allow an attacker to run arbitrary code. The issue is triggered when a specially crafted .SWF file is viewed using a standalone player or within a Flash browser plugin.

Snort® IPS/IDS

Date Description
2014-01-10 Teletubbies exploit kit payload download
RuleID : 27887 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Teletubbies exploit kit exploit attempt for Adobe Flash Player
RuleID : 27882 - Revision : 2 - Type : EXPLOIT-KIT
2014-01-10 Adobe Flash Player and Reader remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 17257 - Revision : 12 - Type : FILE-FLASH

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

Date Description
2014-06-13 Name : The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_3_flash-player-100921.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2014-06-13 Name : The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_3_acroread-101007.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-01-27 Name : The remote SuSE 10 host is missing a security-related patch.
File : suse_flash-player-7165.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-01-27 Name : The remote SuSE 10 host is missing a security-related patch.
File : suse_acroread-7181.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-01-27 Name : The remote SuSE 10 host is missing a security-related patch.
File : suse_acroread_ja-7182.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-01-24 Name : The remote Gentoo host is missing one or more security-related patches.
File : gentoo_GLSA-201101-09.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-01-24 Name : The remote Gentoo host is missing one or more security-related patches.
File : gentoo_GLSA-201101-08.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-12-02 Name : The remote SuSE 11 host is missing one or more security updates.
File : suse_11_acroread-101007.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-12-02 Name : The remote SuSE 11 host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_acroread_ja-101007.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-12-02 Name : The remote SuSE 11 host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_flash-player-100921.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-11-10 Name : The remote host is missing a Mac OS X update that fixes various security issues.
File : macosx_10_6_5.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-11-10 Name : The remote host is missing a Mac OS X update that fixes security issues.
File : macosx_SecUpd2010-007.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-10-11 Name : The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_1_acroread-101007.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-10-11 Name : The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_2_acroread-101007.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-10-07 Name : The remote Red Hat host is missing one or more security updates.
File : redhat-RHSA-2010-0743.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-23 Name : The remote FreeBSD host is missing one or more security-related updates.
File : freebsd_pkg_8a34d9e6c66211dfb2e1001b2134ef46.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-22 Name : The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_1_flash-player-100921.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-22 Name : The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File : suse_11_2_flash-player-100921.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-22 Name : The remote Red Hat host is missing a security update.
File : redhat-RHSA-2010-0706.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-21 Name : The remote Windows host contains a browser plug-in that is affected by a code...
File : flash_player_apsb10-22.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-09 Name : The version of Adobe Acrobat on the remote Windows host is affected by multip...
File : adobe_acrobat_apsa10-02.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-09 Name : The version of Adobe Reader on the remote Windows host is affected by multipl...
File : adobe_reader_apsa10-02.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO

Alert History

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Date Informations
2014-02-17 11:53:51
  • Multiple Updates