Executive Summary

Name CVE-2024-26859 First vendor Publication 2024-04-17
Vendor Cve Last vendor Modification 2024-04-17

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector :
Cvss Base Score N/A Attack Range N/A
Cvss Impact Score N/A Attack Complexity N/A
Cvss Expoit Score N/A Authentication N/A
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In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:

net/bnx2x: Prevent access to a freed page in page_pool

Fix race condition leading to system crash during EEH error handling

During EEH error recovery, the bnx2x driver's transmit timeout logic could cause a race condition when handling reset tasks. The bnx2x_tx_timeout() schedules reset tasks via bnx2x_sp_rtnl_task(), which ultimately leads to bnx2x_nic_unload(). In bnx2x_nic_unload() SGEs are freed using bnx2x_free_rx_sge_range(). However, this could overlap with the EEH driver's attempt to reset the device using bnx2x_io_slot_reset(), which also tries to free SGEs. This race condition can result in system crashes due to accessing freed memory locations in bnx2x_free_rx_sge()

799 static inline void bnx2x_free_rx_sge(struct bnx2x *bp, 800 struct bnx2x_fastpath *fp, u16 index) 801 { 802 struct sw_rx_page *sw_buf = &fp->rx_page_ring[index]; 803 struct page *page = sw_buf->page; .... where sw_buf was set to NULL after the call to dma_unmap_page() by the preceding thread.

EEH: Beginning: 'slot_reset'
PCI 0011:01:00.0#10000: EEH: Invoking bnx2x->slot_reset()
bnx2x: [bnx2x_io_slot_reset:14228(eth1)]IO slot reset initializing...
bnx2x 0011:01:00.0: enabling device (0140 -> 0142)
bnx2x: [bnx2x_io_slot_reset:14244(eth1)]IO slot reset --> driver unload
Kernel attempted to read user page (0) - exploit attempt? (uid: 0)
BUG: Kernel NULL pointer dereference on read at 0x00000000
Faulting instruction address: 0xc0080000025065fc
Oops: Kernel access of bad area, sig: 11 [#1]
Call Trace:
[c000000003c67a20] [c00800000250658c] bnx2x_io_slot_reset+0x204/0x610 [bnx2x] (unreliable)
[c000000003c67af0] [c0000000000518a8] eeh_report_reset+0xb8/0xf0
[c000000003c67b60] [c000000000052130] eeh_pe_report+0x180/0x550
[c000000003c67c70] [c00000000005318c] eeh_handle_normal_event+0x84c/0xa60
[c000000003c67d50] [c000000000053a84] eeh_event_handler+0xf4/0x170
[c000000003c67da0] [c000000000194c58] kthread+0x1c8/0x1d0
[c000000003c67e10] [c00000000000cf64] ret_from_kernel_thread+0x5c/0x64

To solve this issue, we need to verify page pool allocations before freeing.

Original Source

Url : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-26859

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Date Informations
2024-04-17 17:28:36
  • First insertion