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Vendor Ssh First view 1998-09-01
Product Ssh Last view 2023-12-18
Version 1.2.25 Type Application
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CPE Product cpe:2.3:a:ssh:ssh

Activity : Overall

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
5.9 2023-12-18 CVE-2023-48795

The SSH transport protocol with certain OpenSSH extensions, found in OpenSSH before 9.6 and other products, allows remote attackers to bypass integrity checks such that some packets are omitted (from the extension negotiation message), and a client and server may consequently end up with a connection for which some security features have been downgraded or disabled, aka a Terrapin attack. This occurs because the SSH Binary Packet Protocol (BPP), implemented by these extensions, mishandles the handshake phase and mishandles use of sequence numbers. For example, there is an effective attack against SSH's use of ChaCha20-Poly1305 (and CBC with Encrypt-then-MAC). The bypass occurs in and (if CBC is used) the MAC algorithms. This also affects Maverick Synergy Java SSH API before 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT, Dropbear through 2022.83, Ssh before 5.1.1 in Erlang/OTP, PuTTY before 0.80, AsyncSSH before 2.14.2, before 0.17.0, libssh before 0.10.6, libssh2 through 1.11.0, Thorn Tech SFTP Gateway before 3.4.6, Tera Term before 5.1, Paramiko before 3.4.0, jsch before 0.2.15, SFTPGo before 2.5.6, Netgate pfSense Plus through 23.09.1, Netgate pfSense CE through 2.7.2, HPN-SSH through 18.2.0, ProFTPD before 1.3.8b (and before 1.3.9rc2), ORYX CycloneSSH before 2.3.4, NetSarang XShell 7 before Build 0144, CrushFTP before 10.6.0, ConnectBot SSH library before 2.2.22, Apache MINA sshd through 2.11.0, sshj through 0.37.0, TinySSH through 20230101, trilead-ssh2 6401, LANCOM LCOS and LANconfig, FileZilla before 3.66.4, Nova before 11.8, PKIX-SSH before 14.4, SecureCRT before 9.4.3, Transmit5 before 5.10.4, Win32-OpenSSH before, WinSCP before 6.2.2, Bitvise SSH Server before 9.32, Bitvise SSH Client before 9.33, KiTTY through, the net-ssh gem 7.2.0 for Ruby, the mscdex ssh2 module before 1.15.0 for Node.js, the thrussh library before 0.35.1 for Rust, and the Russh crate before 0.40.2 for Rust.

7.8 2011-05-31 CVE-2011-0766

The random number generator in the Crypto application before, and SSH before 2.0.5, as used in the Erlang/OTP ssh library before R14B03, uses predictable seeds based on the current time, which makes it easier for remote attackers to guess DSA host and SSH session keys.

7.2 2002-12-31 CVE-2002-1715

SSH 1 through 3, and possibly other versions, allows local users to bypass restricted shells such as rbash or rksh by uploading a script to a world-writeable directory, then executing that script to gain normal shell access.

7.5 2001-08-22 CVE-2001-0572

The SSH protocols 1 and 2 (aka SSH-2) as implemented in OpenSSH and other packages have various weaknesses which can allow a remote attacker to obtain the following information via sniffing: (1) password lengths or ranges of lengths, which simplifies brute force password guessing, (2) whether RSA or DSA authentication is being used, (3) the number of authorized_keys in RSA authentication, or (4) the lengths of shell commands.

7.5 2001-06-27 CVE-2001-0471

SSH daemon version 1 (aka SSHD-1 or SSH-1) 1.2.30 and earlier does not log repeated login attempts, which could allow remote attackers to compromise accounts without detection via a brute force attack.

4 2001-06-27 CVE-2001-0361

Implementations of SSH version 1.5, including (1) OpenSSH up to version 2.3.0, (2) AppGate, and (3) ssh-1 up to version 1.2.31, in certain configurations, allow a remote attacker to decrypt and/or alter traffic via a "Bleichenbacher attack" on PKCS#1 version 1.5.

10 2001-03-12 CVE-2001-0144

CORE SDI SSH1 CRC-32 compensation attack detector allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands on an SSH server or client via an integer overflow.

7.5 2001-01-18 CVE-2001-1476

SSH before 2.0, with RC4 encryption and the "disallow NULL passwords" option enabled, makes it easier for remote attackers to guess portions of user passwords by replaying user sessions with certain modifications, which trigger different messages depending on whether the guess is correct or not.

7.5 2001-01-18 CVE-2001-1475

SSH before 2.0, when using RC4 and password authentication, allows remote attackers to replay messages until a new server key (VK) is generated.

5 2001-01-18 CVE-2001-1474

SSH before 2.0 disables host key checking when connecting to the localhost, which allows remote attackers to silently redirect connections to the localhost by poisoning the client's DNS cache.

7.5 2001-01-18 CVE-2001-1473

The SSH-1 protocol allows remote servers to conduct man-in-the-middle attacks and replay a client challenge response to a target server by creating a Session ID that matches the Session ID of the target, but which uses a public key pair that is weaker than the target's public key, which allows the attacker to compute the corresponding private key and use the target's Session ID with the compromised key pair to masquerade as the target.

5 2001-01-18 CVE-2001-1470

The IDEA cipher as implemented by SSH1 does not protect the final block of a message against modification, which allows remote attackers to modify the block without detection by changing its cyclic redundancy check (CRC) to match the modifications to the message.

5 2001-01-18 CVE-2001-1469

The RC4 stream cipher as used by SSH1 allows remote attackers to modify messages without detection by XORing the original message's cyclic redundancy check (CRC) with the CRC of a mask consisting of all the bits of the original message that were modified.

5 2000-12-19 CVE-2000-0992

Directory traversal vulnerability in scp in sshd 1.2.xx allows a remote malicious scp server to overwrite arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) attack.

5.1 2000-02-24 CVE-2000-0217

The default configuration of SSH allows X forwarding, which could allow a remote attacker to control a client's X sessions via a malicious xauth program.

4.6 2000-02-11 CVE-2000-0143

The SSH protocol server sshd allows local users without shell access to redirect a TCP connection through a service that uses the standard system password database for authentication, such as POP or FTP.

7.5 1998-09-01 CVE-1999-0310

SSH 1.2.25 on HP-UX allows access to new user accounts.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

75% (3) CWE-310 Cryptographic Issues
25% (1) CWE-354 Improper Validation of Integrity Check Value

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

id Description
73264 Erlang/OTP SSH Predictable Seed Insecure Random Number Generator Weakness
59353 OpenSSH sshd Local TCP Redirection Connection Masking Weakness
59352 SSH sshd Local TCP Redirection Connection Masking Weakness
23589 SSH Directory Permission Weakness Restricted Shell Bypass
18235 SSH RC4 with Password Authentication Message Reply Forced Server Key Generation
18234 SSH RC4 User Session Replay Password Portion Enumeration
18232 SSH-1 Protocol Duplicate Session ID Client Challenge Response Replay
18231 SSH localhost Connection Host Key Check Bypass
18230 SSH-1 Protocol RC4 Stream Cipher CRC XOR Arbitrary Packet Modification
18229 SSH-1 Protocol IDEA Cipher Final Block CRC Modification
8041 HP-UX SSH New User Account Access
8038 SSH-1 Account Login Attempt Logging Failure
3562 SSH Traffic Analysis Connection Attributes Disclosure
3561 Cisco Devices SSH Password Length Disclosure
2116 PKCS 1 Version 1.5 Session Key Retrieval (Bleichenbacher Attack)
1586 sshd scp Traversal Arbitrary File Overwrite
1229 SSH client xauth Session Hijacking
795 Multiple Vendor SSH CRC-32 detect_attack() Function Overflow

OpenVAS Exploits

id Description
2011-10-14 Name : SSH SSH-1 Protocol Authentication Bypass Vulnerability
File : nvt/gb_ssh_authentication_bypass_vuln.nasl
2011-09-09 Name : OpenSSH Ciphersuite Specification Information Disclosure Weakness
File : nvt/gb_openssh_49473.nasl
2011-08-03 Name : FreeBSD Ports: erlang
File : nvt/freebsd_erlang.nasl
2011-08-02 Name : Fedora Update for erlang FEDORA-2011-9598
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2011_9598_erlang_fc15.nasl
2011-08-02 Name : Fedora Update for erlang FEDORA-2011-9657
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2011_9657_erlang_fc14.nasl
2008-01-17 Name : Debian Security Advisory DSA 023-1 (inn2)
File : nvt/deb_023_1.nasl
2008-01-17 Name : Debian Security Advisory DSA 086-1 (ssh-nonfree, ssh-socks)
File : nvt/deb_086_1.nasl
2005-11-03 Name : SSH1 SSH Daemon Logging Failure
File : nvt/ssh_bruteforce.nasl
2005-11-03 Name : PKCS 1 Version 1.5 Session Key Retrieval
File : nvt/ssh_pkcs.nasl
2005-11-03 Name : scp File Create/Overwrite
File : nvt/ssh_scp.nasl

Snort® IPS/IDS

Date Description
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow
RuleID : 1327-community - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 14
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow
RuleID : 1327 - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 14
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow NOOP
RuleID : 1326-community - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 13
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow NOOP
RuleID : 1326 - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 13
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow filler
RuleID : 1325-community - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 14
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow filler
RuleID : 1325 - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 14
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow /bin/sh
RuleID : 1324-community - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 12
2014-01-10 ssh CRC32 overflow /bin/sh
RuleID : 1324 - Type : INDICATOR-SHELLCODE - Revision : 12

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

id Description
2011-11-18 Name: The SSH server running on the remote host allows connections to be redirected.
File: openssh_122.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-10-04 Name: The remote host has an application installed that is affected by a session hi...
File: openssh_123.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-10-04 Name: Remote attackers may be able to infer information about traffic inside an SSH...
File: openssh_252.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-08-29 Name: The SSH service running on the remote host has an information disclosure vuln...
File: sunssh_plaintext_recovery.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-08-01 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2011-9598.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-08-01 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2011-9657.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2011-05-26 Name: The remote FreeBSD host is missing a security-related update.
File: freebsd_pkg_e483392786e511e0a6b4000a5e1e33c6.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-09-01 Name: The remote device is missing a vendor-supplied security patch
File: cisco-sa-20010627-sshhttp.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2004-09-29 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-023.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2004-09-29 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-027.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2004-09-29 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-086.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2004-09-18 Name: The remote Mandrake Linux host is missing one or more security updates.
File: mandrake_MDKSA-2001-033.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2003-03-10 Name: The remote SSH server does not properly log repeated logins attempts.
File: ssh_bruteforce.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2003-03-10 Name: The remote host has an application that is affected by a directory traversal ...
File: ssh_scp.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2002-06-05 Name: The remote network device is running an SSH server with multiple vulnerabilit...
File: cisco_ssh_multiple_vulns.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2002-03-06 Name: The remote service offers an insecure cryptographic protocol.
File: ssh1_proto_enabled.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2001-02-09 Name: It is possible to execute arbitrary code on the remote host.
File: ssh_crc32.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO