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Vendor Pgp First view 2001-09-04
Product Freeware Last view 2002-08-12
Version Type Application
Sofware Edition  
Target Software  
Target Hardware  

Activity : Overall


CPE Name Affected CVE
cpe:2.3:a:pgp:freeware:7.0.3:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 3

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
5.5 2002-08-12 CVE-2002-0788

An interaction between PGP 7.0.3 with the "wipe deleted files" option, when used on Windows Encrypted File System (EFS), creates a cleartext temporary files that cannot be wiped or deleted due to strong permissions, which could allow certain local users or attackers with physical access to obtain cleartext information.

7.5 2002-07-23 CVE-2002-0685

Heap-based buffer overflow in the message decoding functionality for PGP Outlook Encryption Plug-In, as used in NAI PGP Desktop Security 7.0.4, Personal Security 7.0.3, and Freeware 7.0.3, allows remote attackers to modify the heap and gain privileges via a large, malformed mail message.

7.5 2001-09-04 CVE-2001-1016

PGP Corporate Desktop before 7.1, Personal Security before 7.0.3, Freeware before 7.0.3, and E-Business Server before 7.1 does not properly display when invalid userID's are used to sign a message, which could allow an attacker to make the user believe that the document has been signed by a trusted third party by adding a second, invalid user ID to a key which has already been signed by the third party, aka the "PGPsdk Key Validity Vulnerability."

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

100% (1) CWE-459 Incomplete Cleanup

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

id Description
4364 PGP Outlook Plug-in Overflow
4363 NAI PGP NTFS EFS Data File Wiping Weakness
1946 PGPsdk Display Invalid Key