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Vendor Intelbras First view 2019-04-22
Product Iwr 3000n Firmware Last view 2020-01-05
Version Type
Sofware Edition  
Target Software  
Target Hardware  

Activity : Overall


CPE Name Affected CVE
cpe:2.3:o:intelbras:iwr_3000n_firmware:1.8.7:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 4
cpe:2.3:o:intelbras:iwr_3000n_firmware:1.5.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 3

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
8.8 2020-01-05 CVE-2019-20004

An issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.8.7 devices. When the administrator password is changed from a certain client IP address, administrative authorization remains available to any client at that IP address, leading to complete control of the router.

7.5 2019-12-26 CVE-2019-19996

An issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.8.7 devices. A malformed login request allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (reboot), as demonstrated by JSON misparsing of the \""} string to v1/system/login.

8.8 2019-12-26 CVE-2019-19995

A CSRF issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.8.7 devices, leading to complete control of the router, as demonstrated by v1/system/user.

7.2 2019-12-05 CVE-2019-19007

Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.8.7 devices allow disclosure of the administrator login name and password because v1/system/user is mishandled, a related issue to CVE-2019-17600.

8.8 2019-04-22 CVE-2019-11416

A CSRF issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.5.0 devices, leading to complete control of the router, as demonstrated by v1/system/user.

7.5 2019-04-22 CVE-2019-11415

An issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.5.0 devices. A malformed login request allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (reboot), as demonstrated by JSON misparsing of the \""} string to v1/system/login.

8.8 2019-04-22 CVE-2019-11414

An issue was discovered on Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.5.0 devices. When the administrator password is changed from a certain client IP address, administrative authorization remains available to any client at that IP address, leading to complete control of the router.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

40% (2) CWE-640 Weak Password Recovery Mechanism for Forgotten Password
40% (2) CWE-352 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
20% (1) CWE-200 Information Exposure