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Vendor Doorgets First view 2014-02-11
Product Doorgets Cms Last view 2019-04-30
Version Type Application
Sofware Edition  
Target Software  
Target Hardware  

Activity : Overall


CPE Name Affected CVE
cpe:2.3:a:doorgets:doorgets_cms:7.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 21
cpe:2.3:a:doorgets:doorgets_cms:3.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 1
cpe:2.3:a:doorgets:doorgets_cms:4.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:* 1

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
5.3 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11626

routers/ajaxRouter.php in doorGets 7.0 has a web site physical path leakage vulnerability, as demonstrated by an ajax/index.php?uri=1234%5c request.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11625

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/emailingRequest.php. A remote background administrator privilege user (or a user with permission to manage emailing) could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11624

doorGets 7.0 has an arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/configurationRequest.php. A remote background administrator privilege user can exploit this vulnerability to delete arbitrary files.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11623

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/configurationRequest.php when action=siteweb. A remote background administrator privilege user (or a user with permission to manage configuration siteweb) could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11622

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/modulecategoryRequest.php. A remote background administrator privilege user (or a user with permission to manage modulecategory) could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information via modulecategory_edit_titre.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11621

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/configurationRequest.php when action=network. A remote background administrator privilege user (or a user with permission to manage network configuration) could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11620

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/modulecategoryRequest.php. A remote background administrator privilege user (or a user with permission to manage modulecategory) could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information via modulecategory_add_titre.

4.9 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11619

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/configurationRequest.php when action=analytics. A remote background administrator privilege user (or a user with permission to manage configuration analytics) could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information.

9.8 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11618

doorGets 7.0 has a default administrator credential vulnerability. A remote attacker can use this vulnerability to gain administrator privileges for the creation and modification of articles via an H0XZlT44FcN1j9LTdFc5XRXhlF30UaGe1g3cZY6i1K9 access_token in a uri=blog&action=index&controller=blog action to /api/index.php.

8.8 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11617

doorGets 7.0 has a CSRF vulnerability in /doorgets/app/requests/user/configurationRequest.php. A remote attacker can exploit this vulnerability for "Google Analytics code" modification.

9.8 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11616

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /setup/temp/admin.php and /setup/temp/database.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain the administrator password.

8.8 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11615

/fileman/php/upload.php in doorGets 7.0 has an arbitrary file upload vulnerability. A remote normal registered user can use this vulnerability to upload backdoor files to control the server.

7.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11614

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/views/ajax/commentView.php. A remote unauthorized attacker could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information.

6.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11613

doorGets 7.0 has a SQL injection vulnerability in /doorgets/app/views/ajax/contactView.php. A remote normal registered user could exploit the vulnerability to obtain database sensitive information.

7.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11612

doorGets 7.0 has an arbitrary file deletion vulnerability in /fileman/php/deletefile.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to delete arbitrary files.

7.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11611

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /fileman/php/download.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain server-sensitive information.

7.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11610

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /fileman/php/downloaddir.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain server-sensitive information.

8.2 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11609

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /fileman/php/movefile.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain server-sensitive information or make the server unserviceable.

8.2 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11608

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /fileman/php/renamefile.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain server-sensitive information or make the server unserviceable.

7.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11607

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /fileman/php/copydir.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain server-sensitive information.

7.5 2019-04-30 CVE-2019-11606

doorGets 7.0 has a sensitive information disclosure vulnerability in /fileman/php/copyfile.php. A remote unauthenticated attacker can exploit this vulnerability to obtain server-sensitive information.

6.5 2014-02-11 CVE-2014-1459

SQL injection vulnerability in dg-admin/index.php in doorGets CMS 5.2 and earlier allows remote authenticated administrators to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the _position_down_id parameter. NOTE: this can be leveraged using CSRF to allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

45% (9) CWE-89 Improper Sanitization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('...
40% (8) CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path ...
5% (1) CWE-434 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
5% (1) CWE-352 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
5% (1) CWE-21 Pathname Traversal and Equivalence Errors

ExploitDB Exploits

id Description
31521 doorGets CMS 5.2 - SQL Injection Vulnerability