VoIP Hopper 0.9.9 released

VoIP Hopper is a GPLv3 licensed security tool, written in C, that rapidly runs a VLAN Hop into the Voice VLAN on specific Ethernet switches. VoIP Hopper does thisby mimicking the behavior ofan IP Phone, in both Cisco and Avaya IP Phoneenvironments. VoIP Hopper is a VLAN Hop test tool but also a tool to test VoIP infrastructure security.


  • CDP Generator! VoIP Hopper can generate CDP packets in order to discover the Voice VLAN ID, as any IP Phone based on CDP would do. In this CDP spoof mode, VoIP Hopper will send two CDP packets in order to decipher the VVID, then it will iterate between sleeping for 60 seconds, and sending another packet. Not only is this faster than CDP sniffing, but it can also help bypass any mechanisms that rely on CDP for permitting access to the Voice VLAN.
  • Voice VLAN Interface Delete: VoIP Hopper can delete the created Voice
  • MAC Address Spoof, then exit: VoIP Hopper can change the MAC Address of an interface offline and exit, without VLAN Hopping.


  • VoIP Hopper now correctly decodes 2 bytes for the Voice VLAN ID in CDP Packets instead of only 1 byte. This corrects large VVID values (such as 415, etc) from being incorrectly decoded.

Post scriptum

Compliance Mandates

  • Network Discovery :

    PCI DSS 11.2, SOX A13.3, GLBA 16CFR Part 314.4(c), HIPAA 164.308(a)(8), FISMA RA-5

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