Graudit source code scanner v1.1 released

Graudit is a simple script and signature sets that allows you to find potential
security flaws in source code using the GNU utility grep. It’s comparable to
other static analysis applications like RATS and flaw-finder while keeping the
technical requirements to a minimum and being very flexible.


  • Improved custom db options
  • Improved signatures for several languages
  • A few minor tweaks

Tool submitted by Wireghoul (the tool author i guess)

Post scriptum

Compliance Mandates

  • Code Auditing :

    PCI/DSS 6.3.6, 6.3.7, 6.6, SOX A12.8, GLBA 16CFR Part 314.4(b) and (2);FISMA RA-5, SC-18, SA-11 SI-2, and ISO 27001/27002 (12.4.1, 12.4.3, 12.5)

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Code Auditing
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