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N/A 2012-06-27 VU#971035 VU-CERT Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) does not strongly authenticate certificate requests
N/A 2012-06-06 VU#458153 VU-CERT Video drivers may fail to support Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)
N/A 2012-03-15 VU#624051 VU-CERT Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) insecurely deallocates memory
N/A 2012-02-02 VU#403593 VU-CERT Apple Mac OS X ATS data-font memory corruption vulnerability
N/A 2012-02-02 VU#410281 VU-CERT Apple Mac OS X CoreText embedded font vulnerability
N/A 2012-01-18 VU#738961 VU-CERT Oracle Outside In contains an exploitable vulnerability in Lotus 123 v4 parser
N/A 2011-06-07 VU#126159 VU-CERT Autonomy Keyview IDOL contains multiple vulnerabilities in file parsers
N/A 2011-01-13 VU#258423 VU-CERT Google Chrome multiple vulnerabilities
N/A 2010-11-01 VU#889047 VU-CERT Attachmate Reflection for the Web cross site scripting vulnerability
N/A 2010-10-12 VU#924300 VU-CERT Oracle WebLogic Node Manager allows arbitrary configuration via UNC path
N/A 2010-09-09 VU#807665 VU-CERT Washington Courts website vulnerable to SQL injection and cross-site scripting
N/A 2009-12-14 VU#228561 VU-CERT Microsoft Indeo video codecs contain multiple vulnerabilities
N/A 2009-05-20 VU#710316 VU-CERT NSD vulnerable to one-byte overflow
N/A 2008-05-28 VU#500963 VU-CERT Motorola Good Mobile Messaging insecure file deletion
N/A 2007-10-01 VU#571584 VU-CERT Google Gmail cross-site request forgery vulnerability
N/A 2007-09-07 VU#466433 VU-CERT Web sites may transmit authentication tokens unencrypted
N/A 2007-07-19 VU#322460 VU-CERT Oracle Collaboration Suite denial of service vulnerability
Page(s) : 1 2 3 [4] Result(s) : 77