Updates and IAVM Integration

We are continuously working to improve our database quality. For that, we have updated, again, our internal engine, corrected the OpenVAS integration, enhanced our CPE detection, updated the Microsoft and Cert hourly update, enhanced the user dashboard with some graph and more... But we also have integrated IAVM (DISA) into our database and improved our vDNA API.

Like OpenVAS on the last update, and as we promise, we have integrated the IAVM (Information Assurance Vulnerability Management) from DISA into alerts and products (ex: VMS, Vulnerability Management System).

Example of IAVM, VMSKEY for a product: cpe:/a:oracle:jre

And for an Alert: CVE-2013-5854

Of course, with IAVM, our vDNA API have been updated and you could now retrieve IAVM information for each Alert, like Metasploit, ExploitDB, OpenVAS...

At least but not last, we have made some improvement on the private user dashboard as we have posted on Facebook. We hope this new presentation helps you manage your products and alerts.

And at last, we have updated some Microsoft description, corrected vDNA Mail and OpenVAS integration, worked on Oval, enhanced CPE management and make our vDNA documentation generate automatically.

Hope you’ll enjoy those little changes.

Next Step, more integration (Snort perhaps...), and enhanced customer private interface!

The Security-Database Team