CERT C Secure Coding Section 04 - Integers (INT)
Category ID: 738 (Category)Status: Incomplete
+ Description

Description Summary

Weaknesses in this category are related to rules in the integers section of the CERT C Secure Coding Standard. Since not all rules map to specific weaknesses, this category may be incomplete.
+ Relationships
NatureTypeIDNameView(s) this relationship pertains toView(s)
ParentOfWeakness ClassWeakness Class20Improper Input Validation
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base129Improper Validation of Array Index
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base190Integer Overflow or Wraparound
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfCategoryCategory192Integer Coercion Error
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base197Numeric Truncation Error
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base369Divide By Zero
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base466Return of Pointer Value Outside of Expected Range
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base587Assignment of a Fixed Address to a Pointer
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base606Unchecked Input for Loop Condition
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base676Use of Potentially Dangerous Function
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness BaseWeakness Base681Incorrect Conversion between Numeric Types
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
ParentOfWeakness ClassWeakness Class682Incorrect Calculation
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
MemberOfViewView734Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard
Weaknesses Addressed by the CERT C Secure Coding Standard (primary)734
+ Content History
Submission DateSubmitterOrganizationSource
2008-11-24Internal CWE Team