This CPE summary could be partial or incomplete. Please contact us for a detailed listing.


Vendor Google First view 2011-08-02
Product Chrome Last view 2024-05-28
Version 13.0.777.1 Type Application
Update *  
Edition *  
Language *  
Sofware Edition *  
Target Software *  
Target Hardware *  
Other *  
CPE Product cpe:2.3:a:google:chrome

Activity : Overall

Related : CVE

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
  Date Alert Description
8.8 2024-05-28 CVE-2024-5274

Type Confusion in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 125.0.6422.112 allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-05-15 CVE-2024-4947

Type Confusion in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 125.0.6422.60 allowed a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code inside a sandbox via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-05-14 CVE-2024-4761

Out of bounds write in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 124.0.6367.207 allowed a remote attacker to perform an out of bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

9.6 2024-05-14 CVE-2024-4671

Use after free in Visuals in Google Chrome prior to 124.0.6367.201 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to potentially perform a sandbox escape via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

6.5 2024-04-17 CVE-2024-3839

Out of bounds read in Fonts in Google Chrome prior to 124.0.6367.60 allowed a remote attacker to obtain potentially sensitive information from process memory via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

5.5 2024-04-17 CVE-2024-3838

Inappropriate implementation in Autofill in Google Chrome prior to 124.0.6367.60 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious app to perform UI spoofing via a crafted app. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

8.8 2024-04-17 CVE-2024-3837

Use after free in QUIC in Google Chrome prior to 124.0.6367.60 allowed a remote attacker who had compromised the renderer process to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

8.8 2024-04-17 CVE-2024-3834

Use after free in Downloads in Google Chrome prior to 124.0.6367.60 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-04-06 CVE-2024-3159

Out of bounds memory access in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.105 allowed a remote attacker to perform arbitrary read/write via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-04-06 CVE-2024-3158

Use after free in Bookmarks in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.105 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-04-06 CVE-2024-3156

Inappropriate implementation in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.105 allowed a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

4.3 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2631

Inappropriate implementation in iOS in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Low)

6.5 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2630

Inappropriate implementation in iOS in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to leak cross-origin data via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

4.3 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2629

Incorrect security UI in iOS in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

4.3 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2628

Inappropriate implementation in Downloads in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to perform UI spoofing via a crafted URL. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

8.8 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2627

Use after free in Canvas in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

6.5 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2626

Out of bounds read in Swiftshader in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

8.8 2024-03-20 CVE-2024-2625

Object lifecycle issue in V8 in Google Chrome prior to 123.0.6312.58 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit object corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

9.8 2024-02-07 CVE-2024-1284

Use after free in Mojo in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.160 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

9.8 2024-02-07 CVE-2024-1283

Heap buffer overflow in Skia in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.160 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-01-30 CVE-2024-1077

Use after free in Network in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.139 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a malicious file. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-01-30 CVE-2024-1060

Use after free in Canvas in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.139 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit heap corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

8.8 2024-01-30 CVE-2024-1059

Use after free in Peer Connection in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.139 allowed a remote attacker to potentially exploit stack corruption via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: High)

6.5 2024-01-24 CVE-2024-0814

Incorrect security UI in Payments in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.85 allowed a remote attacker to potentially spoof security UI via a crafted HTML page. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

8.8 2024-01-24 CVE-2024-0813

Use after free in Reading Mode in Google Chrome prior to 121.0.6167.85 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to potentially exploit heap corruption via specific UI interaction. (Chromium security severity: Medium)

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
29% (693) CWE-416 Use After Free
15% (355) CWE-787 Out-of-bounds Write
9% (215) CWE-20 Improper Input Validation
7% (166) CWE-119 Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer
4% (109) CWE-399 Resource Management Errors
4% (105) CWE-125 Out-of-bounds Read
3% (73) CWE-200 Information Exposure
2% (66) CWE-264 Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls
2% (65) CWE-190 Integer Overflow or Wraparound
2% (64) CWE-79 Failure to Preserve Web Page Structure ('Cross-site Scripting')
1% (47) CWE-362 Race Condition
1% (35) CWE-346 Origin Validation Error
1% (31) CWE-189 Numeric Errors
1% (29) CWE-254 Security Features
1% (27) CWE-284 Access Control (Authorization) Issues
1% (26) CWE-276 Incorrect Default Permissions
0% (18) CWE-17 Code
0% (15) CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
0% (14) CWE-668 Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere
0% (14) CWE-19 Data Handling
0% (13) CWE-290 Authentication Bypass by Spoofing
0% (13) CWE-203 Information Exposure Through Discrepancy
0% (12) CWE-704 Incorrect Type Conversion or Cast
0% (10) CWE-269 Improper Privilege Management
0% (10) CWE-59 Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')

SAINT Exploits

Description Link
Google Chrome SimplifiedLowering bug More info here

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
78547 Google Chrome Tree Builder Remote Overflow
78546 Google Chrome Skia Unitialized Value Unspecified Remote DoS
78545 Google Chrome Use-after-free DOM Handling Unspecified Remote DoS
78544 Google Chrome Use-after-free DOM Selections Unspecified Remote DoS
78543 Google Chrome Use-after-free Safe Browsing Navigation Memory Corruption
78150 Google Chrome Glyph Handling Remote Overflow
78149 Google Chrome Use-after-free Animation Frame Handling Remote Code Execution
78148 Google Chrome libxml2 parser.c xmlStringLenDecodeEntities() Function Remote O...
77720 Google Chrome bidi Handling Use-after-free Remote Code Execution
77719 Google Chrome Filewatcher Unspecified Remote Overflow
77718 Google Chrome PDF Cross References Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77717 Google Chrome PDF Font Handling Remote Overflow
77716 Google Chrome v8 i18n Handling Out-of-bounds Write Remote Code Execution
77715 Google Chrome Range Handling Use-after-free Remote Code Execution
77714 Google Chrome SVG Filters Use-after-free Remote Code Execution
77713 Google Chrome PDF Handling Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77712 Google Chrome YUV Video Frames Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77711 Google Chrome CSS Property Array Unspecified Remote Memory Corruption
77710 Google Chrome SVG Parsing Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77709 Google Chrome view-source URL Bar Spoofing
77708 Google Chrome PDF Parser Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77707 Google Chrome libxml Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77706 Google Chrome regex Matching Out-of-bounds Read Remote DoS
77621 Google Chrome WebKit Cache Objects Image Handling Browsing History Disclosure
77618 Apple Safari WebKit Cache Objects Image Handling Browsing History Disclosure

ExploitDB Exploits

id Description
17929 Google Chrome < 14.0.835.163 PDF File Handling Memory Corruption

OpenVAS Exploits

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
2013-09-18 Name : Debian Security Advisory DSA 2439-1 (libpng - buffer overflow)
File : nvt/deb_2439_1.nasl
2013-09-18 Name : Debian Security Advisory DSA 2471-1 (ffmpeg - several vulnerabilities)
File : nvt/deb_2471_1.nasl
2012-12-31 Name : Fedora Update for v8 FEDORA-2012-20103
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_20103_v8_fc17.nasl
2012-12-26 Name : Fedora Update for qt FEDORA-2012-19715
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_19715_qt_fc16.nasl
2012-12-14 Name : Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities-03 Dec2012 (Linux)
File : nvt/gb_google_chrome_mult_vuln03_dec12_lin.nasl
2012-12-14 Name : Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities-03 Dec2012 (Mac OS X)
File : nvt/gb_google_chrome_mult_vuln03_dec12_macosx.nasl
2012-12-14 Name : Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities-03 Dec2012 (Windows)
File : nvt/gb_google_chrome_mult_vuln03_dec12_win.nasl
2012-12-14 Name : SuSE Update for Chromium openSUSE-SU-2012:1637-1 (Chromium)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_1637_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for update openSUSE-SU-2012:0374-1 (update)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_0374_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for update openSUSE-SU-2012:0466-1 (update)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_0466_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for update openSUSE-SU-2012:0656-1 (update)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_0656_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for MozillaFirefox, openSUSE-SU-2012:0760-1 (MozillaFirefox,)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_0760_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for update openSUSE-SU-2012:0993-1 (update)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_0993_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for chromium openSUSE-SU-2012:1215-1 (chromium)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_1215_1.nasl
2012-12-13 Name : SuSE Update for update openSUSE-SU-2012:1376-1 (update)
File : nvt/gb_suse_2012_1376_1.nasl
2012-12-06 Name : Ubuntu Update for libxml2 USN-1656-1
File : nvt/gb_ubuntu_USN_1656_1.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : Debian Security Advisory DSA 2580-1 (libxml2)
File : nvt/deb_2580_1.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : FreeBSD Ports: chromium
File : nvt/freebsd_chromium23.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : FreeBSD Ports: chromium
File : nvt/freebsd_chromium24.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : CentOS Update for libxml2 CESA-2012:1512 centos5
File : nvt/gb_CESA-2012_1512_libxml2_centos5.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : CentOS Update for libxml2 CESA-2012:1512 centos6
File : nvt/gb_CESA-2012_1512_libxml2_centos6.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : RedHat Update for libxml2 RHSA-2012:1512-01
File : nvt/gb_RHSA-2012_1512-01_libxml2.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities-01 Dec2012 (Linux)
File : nvt/gb_google_chrome_mult_vuln01_dec12_lin.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities-01 Dec2012 (Mac OS X)
File : nvt/gb_google_chrome_mult_vuln01_dec12_macosx.nasl
2012-12-04 Name : Google Chrome Multiple Vulnerabilities-01 Dec2012 (Windows)
File : nvt/gb_google_chrome_mult_vuln01_dec12_win.nasl

Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM)

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
2015-B-0107 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0061361
2015-A-0154 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0061081
2014-B-0161 Multiple Vulnerabilities in VMware ESXi 5.1
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0057717
2014-B-0071 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0052483
2014-B-0060 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0050897
2014-B-0056 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0050433
2014-B-0049 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0050017
2014-B-0048 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Apple iOS
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0050015
2014-B-0039 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0048683
2014-B-0031 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0046767
2014-B-0026 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0046159
2014-B-0024 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Apple iOS
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0046157
2014-B-0023 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0045283
2014-A-0030 Apple Mac OS X Security Update 2014-001
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0044547
2014-B-0020 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0044539
2014-B-0007 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0043878
2014-B-0003 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0043401
2014-A-0012 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Oracle & Sun Systems Product Suite
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0043396
2013-B-0137 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0042597
2013-A-0233 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mozilla Products
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0042596
2013-B-0132 Google Chrome Memory Corruption Vulnerability
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0042381
2013-B-0124 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0042301
2013-B-0119 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0041067
2013-B-0112 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0040762
2013-A-0031 Multiple Security Vulnerabilities in VMware ESX 4.1 and ESXi 4.1
Severity: Category I - VMSKEY: V0036787

Snort® IPS/IDS

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
Date Description
2020-12-23 Google Chrome Blink Renderer MediaElementEventListener memory corruption attempt
RuleID : 56438 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-12-23 Google Chrome Blink Renderer MediaElementEventListener memory corruption attempt
RuleID : 56437 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-12-01 Google Chrome PNG in TTF parsing heap overflow attempt
RuleID : 56133 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 2
2020-12-01 Google Chrome PNG in TTF parsing heap overflow attempt
RuleID : 56132 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 2
2020-12-01 Google Chrome PNG in TTF parsing heap overflow attempt
RuleID : 56131 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 2
2020-12-01 Google Chrome PNG in TTF parsing heap overflow attempt
RuleID : 56130 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 2
2020-10-27 Google Chrome AudioArray memory corruption attempt
RuleID : 55810 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-10-27 Google Chrome AudioArray memory corruption attempt
RuleID : 55809 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-09-02 Google Chrome blink webaudio module use after free attempt
RuleID : 54625 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-09-02 Google Chrome blink webaudio module use after free attempt
RuleID : 54624 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-09-02 Google Chrome ReadableStream out of bounds read attempt
RuleID : 54623 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-09-02 Google Chrome ReadableStream out of bounds read attempt
RuleID : 54622 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-08-11 Google Chrome Blink use-after-free attempt
RuleID : 54498 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-08-11 Google Chrome Blink use-after-free attempt
RuleID : 54497 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-06-11 Google Chromium for Android AddInterface use after free attempt
RuleID : 53943 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-06-11 Google Chromium for Android AddInterface use after free attempt
RuleID : 53942 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-06-10 Google Chromium ImageCapture use after free attempt
RuleID : 53845 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-06-10 Google Chromium ImageCapture use after free attempt
RuleID : 53844 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-06-04 Chromium use after free exploitation attempt
RuleID : 53836 - Type : INDICATOR-COMPROMISE - Revision : 1
2020-06-04 Chromium use after free exploitation attempt
RuleID : 53835 - Type : INDICATOR-COMPROMISE - Revision : 1
2020-05-27 Google Chrome ObjectCreate type confusion attempt
RuleID : 53754 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-05-27 Google Chrome ObjectCreate type confusion attempt
RuleID : 53753 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-05-27 Google Chrome ObjectCreate type confusion attempt
RuleID : 53752 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-05-27 Google Chrome ObjectCreate type confusion attempt
RuleID : 53751 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1
2020-05-05 Google Chrome desktopMediaPickerController use after free attempt
RuleID : 53534 - Type : BROWSER-CHROME - Revision : 1

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
2019-01-16 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2019-348547a32d.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-08 Name: The remote EulerOS host is missing a security update.
File: EulerOS_SA-2019-1007.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-07 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2019-859384e002.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-07 Name: The remote FreeBSD host is missing a security-related update.
File: freebsd_pkg_546d4dd410ea11e9b407080027ef1a23.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-07 Name: The remote FreeBSD host is missing a security-related update.
File: freebsd_pkg_720590df10eb11e9b407080027ef1a23.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-13d8c35127.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-34f7f68029.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-39be36e9fc.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-499f2dbc96.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-7c80aaef26.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-8e866c5066.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-94e1bc8c23.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-aafdbb5554.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-b844991a97.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-f76e6d17f1.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-fd194a1f14.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-28 Name: The remote EulerOS host is missing a security update.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1446.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-27 Name: The remote CentOS host is missing a security update.
File: centos_RHSA-2018-3831.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-27 Name: The remote CentOS host is missing a security update.
File: centos_RHSA-2018-3833.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-24 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security update.
File: debian_DLA-1613.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-14 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security update.
File: debian_DLA-1605.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-14 Name: A web browser installed on the remote Windows host is affected by a use after...
File: google_chrome_71_0_3578_98.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-14 Name: A web browser installed on the remote macOS host is affected by a use after f...
File: macosx_google_chrome_71_0_3578_98.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-13 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-4354.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-12-13 Name: The remote FreeBSD host is missing one or more security-related updates.
File: freebsd_pkg_d10b49b28d0249e8afde0844626317af.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO