Security-Database is proud to bring you this new service : vDNA

We have made a brand new service call "vDNA" as Vulnerability DNA by Security-Database. vDNA is made for individual CVE alert on XML format to be accessible on Web-service. XML that you can, of course, validate with a schema.

Information is delivery through https web service and result is base64 76 Columns before decoding.

With this, you can have all the same information that we provide on our website (and more :) ), but in xml format that you can integrate into your software, website…

Here is a short example of vDNA for CVE-2009-3135 :

and the web version :

vDNA is in Close Beta stage, so we are researching Beta testers,

If you want to be a beta tester of vDNA by Security-database, you can fill up the form : here

The service is actually quite stable, but we need you to have feedback, requests of improvement, stability of the service, well, do that beta tester do ;)

If you are selected, we will contact you soon to provide you all credentials, if not, we will also contact you to thank you.

Thanks a lot for your time and thanks you again for helping us!

Security-Database Core Team Leader