This CPE summary could be partial or incomplete. Please contact us for a detailed listing.


Vendor Isc First view 2012-01-14
Product Dhcp Last view 2022-10-07
Version 4.0.0 Type Application
Update a1  
Edition *  
Language *  
Sofware Edition *  
Target Software *  
Target Hardware *  
Other *  
CPE Product cpe:2.3:a:isc:dhcp

Activity : Overall

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
6.5 2022-10-07 CVE-2022-2929

In ISC DHCP 1.0 -> 4.4.3, ISC DHCP 4.1-ESV-R1 -> 4.1-ESV-R16-P1 a system with access to a DHCP server, sending DHCP packets crafted to include fqdn labels longer than 63 bytes, could eventually cause the server to run out of memory.

6.5 2022-10-07 CVE-2022-2928

In ISC DHCP 4.4.0 -> 4.4.3, ISC DHCP 4.1-ESV-R1 -> 4.1-ESV-R16-P1, when the function option_code_hash_lookup() is called from add_option(), it increases the option's refcount field. However, there is not a corresponding call to option_dereference() to decrement the refcount field. The function add_option() is only used in server responses to lease query packets. Each lease query response calls this function for several options, so eventually, the reference counters could overflow and cause the server to abort.

7.4 2021-05-26 CVE-2021-25217

In ISC DHCP 4.1-ESV-R1 -> 4.1-ESV-R16, ISC DHCP 4.4.0 -> 4.4.2 (Other branches of ISC DHCP (i.e., releases in the 4.0.x series or lower and releases in the 4.3.x series) are beyond their End-of-Life (EOL) and no longer supported by ISC. From inspection it is clear that the defect is also present in releases from those series, but they have not been officially tested for the vulnerability), The outcome of encountering the defect while reading a lease that will trigger it varies, according to: the component being affected (i.e., dhclient or dhcpd) whether the package was built as a 32-bit or 64-bit binary whether the compiler flag -fstack-protection-strong was used when compiling In dhclient, ISC has not successfully reproduced the error on a 64-bit system. However, on a 32-bit system it is possible to cause dhclient to crash when reading an improper lease, which could cause network connectivity problems for an affected system due to the absence of a running DHCP client process. In dhcpd, when run in DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 mode: if the dhcpd server binary was built for a 32-bit architecture AND the -fstack-protection-strong flag was specified to the compiler, dhcpd may exit while parsing a lease file containing an objectionable lease, resulting in lack of service to clients. Additionally, the offending lease and the lease immediately following it in the lease database may be improperly deleted. if the dhcpd server binary was built for a 64-bit architecture OR if the -fstack-protection-strong compiler flag was NOT specified, the crash will not occur, but it is possible for the offending lease and the lease which immediately followed it to be improperly deleted.

7.5 2019-10-09 CVE-2018-5732

Failure to properly bounds-check a buffer used for processing DHCP options allows a malicious server (or an entity masquerading as a server) to cause a buffer overflow (and resulting crash) in dhclient by sending a response containing a specially constructed options section. Affects ISC DHCP versions 4.1.0 -> 4.1-ESV-R15, 4.2.0 -> 4.2.8, 4.3.0 -> 4.3.6, 4.4.0

7.5 2019-01-16 CVE-2018-5733

A malicious client which is allowed to send very large amounts of traffic (billions of packets) to a DHCP server can eventually overflow a 32-bit reference counter, potentially causing dhcpd to crash. Affects ISC DHCP 4.1.0 -> 4.1-ESV-R15, 4.2.0 -> 4.2.8, 4.3.0 -> 4.3.6, 4.4.0.

7.5 2019-01-16 CVE-2017-3144

A vulnerability stemming from failure to properly clean up closed OMAPI connections can lead to exhaustion of the pool of socket descriptors available to the DHCP server. Affects ISC DHCP 4.1.0 to 4.1-ESV-R15, 4.2.0 to 4.2.8, 4.3.0 to 4.3.6. Older versions may also be affected but are well beyond their end-of-life (EOL). Releases prior to 4.1.0 have not been tested.

6.1 2012-01-14 CVE-2011-4868

The logging functionality in dhcpd in ISC DHCP before 4.2.3-P2, when using Dynamic DNS (DDNS) and issuing IPv6 addresses, does not properly handle the DHCPv6 lease structure, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and daemon crash) via crafted packets related to a lease-status update.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

28% (2) CWE-119 Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer
14% (1) CWE-770 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling
14% (1) CWE-476 NULL Pointer Dereference
14% (1) CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption ('Resource Exhaustion')
14% (1) CWE-399 Resource Management Errors
14% (1) CWE-190 Integer Overflow or Wraparound

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

id Description
78289 ISC DHCP DHCPv6 Dynamic DNS Lease Status Updating DHCP Packet Parsing Remote DoS

OpenVAS Exploits

id Description
2012-10-23 Name : Fedora Update for dhcp FEDORA-2012-15981
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_15981_dhcp_fc16.nasl
2012-10-03 Name : Fedora Update for dhcp FEDORA-2012-14076
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_14076_dhcp_fc16.nasl
2012-09-10 Name : Slackware Advisory SSA:2012-237-01 dhcp
File : nvt/esoft_slk_ssa_2012_237_01.nasl
2012-08-09 Name : Fedora Update for dhcp FEDORA-2012-11110
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_11110_dhcp_fc16.nasl
2012-04-02 Name : Fedora Update for dhcp FEDORA-2012-0490
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_0490_dhcp_fc16.nasl
2012-02-12 Name : FreeBSD Ports: isc-dhcp42-server
File : nvt/freebsd_isc-dhcp42-server0.nasl

Snort® IPS/IDS

Date Description
2018-02-20 ISC DHCPD remote denial of service attempt
RuleID : 45499 - Type : SERVER-OTHER - Revision : 4

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
2018-11-02 Name: The remote device is missing a vendor-supplied security patch.
File: f5_bigip_SOL08306700.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-09-18 Name: The remote EulerOS Virtualization host is missing multiple security updates.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1250.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-09-18 Name: The remote EulerOS Virtualization host is missing a security update.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1241.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-05-02 Name: The remote EulerOS host is missing multiple security updates.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1073.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-05-02 Name: The remote EulerOS host is missing multiple security updates.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1072.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-18 Name: The remote Amazon Linux 2 host is missing a security update.
File: al2_ALAS-2018-984.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-18 Name: The remote Amazon Linux 2 host is missing a security update.
File: al2_ALAS-2018-963.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-10 Name: The remote Gentoo host is missing one or more security-related patches.
File: gentoo_GLSA-201804-05.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-06 Name: The remote Amazon Linux AMI host is missing a security update.
File: ala_ALAS-2018-984.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-23 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security update.
File: debian_DLA-1313.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-15 Name: The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates.
File: centos_RHSA-2018-0483.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-12 Name: The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates.
File: centos_RHSA-2018-0469.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-08 Name: The DHCP server installed on the remote Linux host is affected by a buffer ov...
File: isc_dhcp_AA-01565_AA-01567.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-08 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-4133.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-06 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-5051dbd15e.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-05 Name: The remote FreeBSD host is missing one or more security-related updates.
File: freebsd_pkg_2040c7f51e3a11e88ae90050569f0b83.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-02 Name: The remote Slackware host is missing a security update.
File: Slackware_SSA_2018-060-01.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-02-13 Name: The remote EulerOS host is missing a security update.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1036.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-02-13 Name: The remote EulerOS host is missing a security update.
File: EulerOS_SA-2018-1035.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-01-26 Name: The remote CentOS host is missing one or more security updates.
File: centos_RHSA-2018-0158.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-01-19 Name: The DHCP server installed on the remote Linux host is affected by a denial of...
File: isc_dhcp_AA-01541.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2014-06-13 Name: The remote openSUSE host is missing a security update.
File: openSUSE-2012-71.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2013-01-09 Name: The remote Gentoo host is missing one or more security-related patches.
File: gentoo_GLSA-201301-06.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2012-08-27 Name: The remote Slackware host is missing a security update.
File: Slackware_SSA_2012-237-01.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2012-01-23 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2012-0490.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO