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Vendor Plone First view 2020-01-23
Product Plone Last view 2024-01-18
Version 5.1.5 Type Application
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CPE Product cpe:2.3:a:plone:plone

Activity : Overall

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
7.1 2024-01-18 CVE-2024-0669

A Cross-Frame Scripting vulnerability has been found on Plone CMS affecting verssion below 6.0.5. An attacker could store a malicious URL to be opened by an administrator and execute a malicios iframe element.

5.4 2023-09-21 CVE-2023-41048

plone.namedfile allows users to handle `File` and `Image` fields targeting, but not depending on, Plone Dexterity content. Prior to versions 5.6.1, 6.0.3, 6.1.3, and 6.2.1, there is a stored cross site scripting vulnerability for SVG images. A security hotfix from 2021 already partially fixed this by making sure SVG images are always downloaded instead of shown inline. But the same problem still exists for scales of SVG images. Note that an image tag with an SVG image as source is not vulnerable, even when the SVG image contains malicious code. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker would first need to upload an image, and then trick a user into following a specially crafted link. Patches are available in versions 5.6.1 (for Plone 5.2), 6.0.3 (for Plone 6.0.0-6.0.4), 6.1.3 (for Plone 6.0.5-6.0.6), and 6.2.1 (for Plone 6.0.7). There are no known workarounds.

8.8 2023-02-17 CVE-2021-33926

An issue in Plone CMS v. 5.2.4, 5.2.3, 5.2.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.0, 5.1rc2, 5.1rc1, 5.1b4, 5.1b3, 5.1b2, 5.1a2, 5.1a1, 5.1.7, 5.1.6, 5.1.5, 5.1.4, 5.1.2, 5.1.1 5.1, 5.0rc3, 5.0rc2, 5.0rc1, 5.0.9, 5.0.8, 5.0.7, 5.0.6, 5.0.5, 5.0.4, 5.0.3, 5.0.2, 5.0.10, 5.0.1, 5.0, 4.3.9, 4.3.8, 4.3.7, 4.3.6, 4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.20, 4 allows attacker to access sensitive information via the RSS feed protlet.

5.4 2021-06-30 CVE-2021-35959

In Plone 5.0 through 5.2.4, Editors are vulnerable to XSS in the folder contents view, if a Contributor has created a folder with a SCRIPT tag in the description field.

5.4 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33513

Plone through 5.2.4 allows XSS via the inline_diff methods in Products.CMFDiffTool.

5.4 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33512

Plone through 5.2.4 allows stored XSS attacks (by a Contributor) by uploading an SVG or HTML document.

7.5 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33511

Plone though 5.2.4 allows SSRF via the lxml parser. This affects Diazo themes, Dexterity TTW schemas, and modeleditors in,, and plone.supermodel.

4.3 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33510

Plone through 5.2.4 allows remote authenticated managers to conduct SSRF attacks via an event ical URL, to read one line of a file.

9.9 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33509

Plone through 5.2.4 allows remote authenticated managers to perform disk I/O via crafted keyword arguments to the ReStructuredText transform in a Python script.

5.4 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33508

Plone through 5.2.4 allows XSS via a full name that is mishandled during rendering of the ownership tab of a content item.

6.1 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-33507

Zope Products.CMFCore before 2.5.1 and Products.PluggableAuthService before 2.6.2, as used in Plone through 5.2.4 and other products, allow Reflected XSS.

8.8 2021-05-21 CVE-2021-32633

Zope is an open-source web application server. In Zope versions prior to 4.6 and 5.2, users can access untrusted modules indirectly through Python modules that are available for direct use. By default, only users with the Manager role can add or edit Zope Page Templates through the web, but sites that allow untrusted users to add/edit Zope Page Templates through the web are at risk from this vulnerability. The problem has been fixed in Zope 5.2 and 4.6. As a workaround, a site administrator can restrict adding/editing Zope Page Templates through the web using the standard Zope user/role permission mechanisms. Untrusted users should not be assigned the Zope Manager role and adding/editing Zope Page Templates through the web should be restricted to trusted users only.

5.4 2021-05-20 CVE-2021-3313

Plone CMS until version 5.2.4 has a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the user fullname property and the file upload functionality. The user's input data is not properly encoded when being echoed back to the user. This data can be interpreted as executable code by the browser and allows an attacker to execute JavaScript in the context of the victim's browser if the victim opens a vulnerable page containing an XSS payload.

6.5 2021-03-08 CVE-2021-21336

Products.PluggableAuthService is a pluggable Zope authentication and authorization framework. In Products.PluggableAuthService before version 2.6.0 there is an information disclosure vulnerability - everyone can list the names of roles defined in the ZODB Role Manager plugin if the site uses this plugin. The problem has been fixed in version 2.6.0. Depending on how you have installed Products.PluggableAuthService, you should change the buildout version pin to 2.6.0 and re-run the buildout, or if you used pip simply do `pip install "Products.PluggableAuthService>=2.6.0"`.

8.8 2020-12-30 CVE-2020-28736

Plone before 5.2.3 allows XXE attacks via a feature that is protected by an unapplied permission of plone.schemaeditor.ManageSchemata (therefore, only available to the Manager role).

8.8 2020-12-30 CVE-2020-28735

Plone before 5.2.3 allows SSRF attacks via the tracebacks feature (only available to the Manager role).

8.8 2020-12-30 CVE-2020-28734

Plone before 5.2.3 allows XXE attacks via a feature that is explicitly only available to the Manager role.

9.8 2020-01-23 CVE-2020-7941

A privilege escalation issue in in Plone 4.3 through 5.2.1 allows users to PUT (overwrite) some content without needing write permission.

7.5 2020-01-23 CVE-2020-7940

Missing password strength checks on some forms in Plone 4.3 through 5.2.0 allow users to set weak passwords, leading to easier cracking.

8.8 2020-01-23 CVE-2020-7939

SQL Injection in DTML or in connection objects in Plone 4.0 through 5.2.1 allows users to perform unwanted SQL queries. (This is a problem in Zope.)

8.8 2020-01-23 CVE-2020-7938

plone.restapi in Plone 5.2.0 through 5.2.1 allows users with a certain privilege level to escalate their privileges up to the highest level.

5.4 2020-01-23 CVE-2020-7937

An XSS issue in the title field in Plone 5.0 through 5.2.1 allows users with a certain privilege level to insert JavaScript that will be executed when other users access the site.

6.1 2020-01-23 CVE-2020-7936

An open redirect on the login form (and possibly other places) in Plone 4.0 through 5.2.1 allows an attacker to craft a link to a Plone Site that, when followed, and possibly after login, will redirect to an attacker's site.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

50% (8) CWE-79 Failure to Preserve Web Page Structure ('Cross-site Scripting')
12% (2) CWE-611 Information Leak Through XML External Entity File Disclosure
6% (1) CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
6% (1) CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')
6% (1) CWE-521 Weak Password Requirements
6% (1) CWE-200 Information Exposure
6% (1) CWE-89 Improper Sanitization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('...
6% (1) CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path ...